
Convert to LitElement

abraham opened this issue · 0 comments


Help modernize Hoverboard by updating components from Polymer 3 to LitElement.

See a video of how to convert a component

  1. Pick an element from the list below
    • That is not assigned to someone else
    • That does not render another element that has not been converted yet
    • Prefer elements before dialogs before pages
  2. Comment on this issue saying which element you'd like to convert
  3. Convert the element and make sure it's in the components directory
    • See already converted elements for examples
    • Please do clean up the functionality of components as make sense
    • Polymer isn't working in Jest unit tests so if the element depends on other components built in Polymer, a replacement will need to be found.
    • When updating components see about converting Material Design to @mwc
  4. Add unit tests
    • Have a look at existing conversions for examples and how to mock and interact with redux
    • These are unit tests and should test the logic and functionality of the component. Feature tests are planned for the future for more app level testing
    • Testing Library is available for tests
    • To run tests for a single component run npm test -- --watch type p and enter the name of the component e.g. hero-block
  5. Create a pull request
    • We'll review and provide feedback
    • Feel free to create a draft pull request if you want to get early feedback or are running into issues with something

Feel feel to reach out if you have questions, are less familiar with a technology in use, or are running into issues with something. We're happy to provide help and guidance as we can.

Element Complexity Assignee Pull Request Merged
<about-block> Medium @abraham #877
<about-organizer-block> Medium
<auth-required> Medium @abraham #835
<content-loader> Medium
<featured-videos> High
<feedback-block> High
<filter-menu> High
<footer-block> Low
<footer-nav> Low
<footer-rel> Low
<footer-social> Low
<fork-me-block> Low
<gallery-block> Medium @abraham
<header-bottom-toolbar> Medium
<header-toolbar> High
<hero-block> Low @abraham #837
<hoverboard-analytics> Medium
<latest-posts-block> Medium
<map-block> High
<md-content> High
<my-schedule> Medium
<partners-block> Medium
<polymer-helmet> Medium
<posts-list> Low
<previous-speakers-block> Medium
<schedule-day> High
<session-element> High
<speakers-block> Medium
<sticky-element> High
<subscribe-block> Medium
<subscribe-form-footer> Medium
<text-truncate> Medium
<tickets-block> Medium
<toast-element> Medium
<video-dialog> High
<feedback-dialog> High
<signin-dialog> High
<subscribe-dialog> High
<blog-list-page> Medium
<coc-page> Medium
<faq-page> Medium
<home-page> High
<not-found-page> Medium
<post-page> High
<previous-speaker-page> High
<previous-speakers-page> High
<schedule-page> High
<session-page> High
<speaker-page> High
<speakers-page> High
<team-page> Medium
<hoverboard-app> Super High @abraham