
[Proposal] [Talk]: Android Architecture Components - Light at the end of tunnel?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

  • [] Title: Android Architecture Components - Light at the end of tunnel?
  • [] Short Abstract: Introduction to Android Architecture Components. The idea behind it and its components
  • [] Full description/topics covered: The presentation will cover following topics:
           The need of an architecture
           The current scenario
           What has Google offered?
           Various Architecture components
           The future
  • [] Duration: 30 minutes
  • [] Level of expertise required [Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced]: Intermediate
  • [] Special requirements [Equipment/Hardware/Software setup]: None

Hey Ashesh,
We are planning an event on 30th July, 2017, would you be available on that day?

Great! Let's connect on!

Closing as the talk has been scheduled! 🙂