
`performFind` does not move to next match if highlight=true

thenbe opened this issue · 1 comments


  1. Add this to your mappings.

    map n performFind last highlight
  2. Go to

  3. Type /

  4. Type com

  5. Hit Enter

  6. Hit n

  7. .

    • EXPECTED: move to next match on every time you hit n
    • ACTUAL: no movement when you press n


The issue is just with performFind. performBackwardsFind behaves as expected.

# this works fine
map N performBackwardsFind last highlight

This bug is rather old so I don't think it is caused by any recently added code.

Browser, OS and Vimium C versions

  • Browser name: firefox
  • Browser version: 123.0.1
  • Vimium C version: 1.99.997
  • OS name and version: "x86_64-linux" Linux 6.6.22, NixOS, 24.05 (Uakari)