
This repository contains the files for the Discord Bot we made for the RUHacks2022 Hackathon held on May 6th, 2022

Primary LanguagePython

RUHacks2022 - Tamacord

The addicting pet simulator reborn in the realm of Discord. Tamacord brings the joy of feeding, grooming, raising, and playing with a virtual pet that displays emotions based on its level of care.

We really enjoyed playing on the Tamagotchi as children and wanted to bring the game back from the dead in the form of a Discord bot. This project would also give us valuable experience working with Python and with the Nextcord API.

What it does:
Tamacord is a virtual pet that allows the user to perform basic interactions between the owner and itself. Tamacord uses Google's cloud storage platform to provide a unique pet to each Discord user. Tamacord simulates three needs that must be managed by the user: Hunger, Hygiene, and Happiness. These needs can be managed by clicked the relevant buttons.

How we built it:
Tamacord was built using the Nextcord API. The Nextcord API provided the needed functionality to work with Discord. We also used Google's cloud storage platform to store the unique data of each Discord users' pet and allow for quick retrieval of information.

Challenges we ran into:
We frequently ran into challenges due to our lack of experience with Python and the Nextcord API. Some of our toughest challenges included getting the database to work correctly, a bug with the view.wait() command stalling the program, and figuring out how to get the buttons to work correctly.

Accomplishments that we're proud of:
Getting the buttons to work correctly. Getting the database to work properly with the rest of the program. The pictures drawn for the virtual pet.

What we learned:
A lot of Python knowledge as well as knowledge on how Discord bots are made. We also learned how to use cloud storage to store data rather than storing it locally.

What's next for Tamacord:
More features and activities that you can do with your virtual pet, such as playing simple games like rock - paper - scissors, more parameters regarding the well-being of your pet and new buttons to help with said parameters.

Where to find our video:

The Discord Bot TOKEN and the Google Cloud account have not been included in this submission for security purposes

By: Cameron Tuffner-Lyons (FriitzTM), Amanah Albaba (AmanahAlbaba), Gaurav Divecha (gdivecha), & Adam Szava (AdamSzava)