
Improve background of 2D demos

Razoric480 opened this issue · 4 comments

A temporary background was added as in #1 , just to make sure it worked. The actual sprucing up with a nice background can now occur.

Making them inherit from a common ancestor might be a bit trickier, though. Often times, the background is part of the 'main scene view' rather than the demo.

Yeah, that's the problem. I was actually working on it, but need the 2D demos to have transparent backgrounds for it to work. I don't want us to have to maintain background nodes in every scene.

I've started refactoring the scenes to enable it.

Thanks, great! I'll take care of the background after that if you don't mind.

All 2D demos now have an inherited scene that's in res://Common/BaseDemo2D.tscn . Right now it's just a TextureRect with a throwaway gradients, so not much to it, but they all display it just fine.

Except for the BlurViewportContainers and BlurViewportTextures demos, as they use their own background already.