
Missing data from `.vtu` files from `lmr`

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When opening an exported .pvtu file from any of the lmr examples, Paraview will throw the error "Piece cell data array vel.vector not found".

( 681.898s) [paraview        ]  vtkXMLPDataReader.cxx:377    ERR| vtkXMLPUnstructuredGridReader (0x1e
de0260): Piece cell data array vel.vector not found
( 681.916s) [paraview        ]  vtkXMLPDataReader.cxx:377    ERR| vtkXMLPUnstructuredGridReader (0x1ede
0260): Piece cell data array vel.vector not found

The source of this error is that lmr snapshot2vtk will currently write

  <PDataArray Name="vel.vector" type="Float32" NumberOfComponents="3"/>

to the header of the .pvtu files, however will not write any data with this name to the corresponding .vtu files.

Recreation Steps

  1. Build the most recent version of lmr using make install
  2. Run one of the lmr 2D examples (used sharp-cone-20-degrees/ sg-minimal)
  3. Run lmr snapshot2vtk post processing
  4. Open the exported flowXXXX.pvtu file using Paraview


OS: Pop!_OS 22.04
Paraview: version 5.11.1
lmr Revision-id: a797383
lmr Compiler-name: ldc2