
Discrete cost values at DALs to enable non-linear cost DAL relationships

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Currently cost represents a scaling factor to DAL where cost = DAL * cost multiplier. Enabling discrete costs at different DALs would better support scenarios where cost is non-linear with DAL.

Currently costs are configured in the costModel.xml by any combination of:

<cost component="TrainCommunicationSystem.Impl">3</cost>
<cost component="TrainCommunicationSystem.Impl:::antenna">3</cost>
<cost component="TrainCommunicationSystem.Impl:::antenna" defense="antiJamming">3</cost>
where a cost at DAL 5 for a TrainCommunicationSystem.Impl component is expected to be (3*5) = 15

Adding support for discrete cost factors might look something like:

<cost component="TrainCommunicationSystem.Impl:::antenna" defense="antiJamming" dal="0">3</cost>
<cost component="TrainCommunicationSystem.Impl:::antenna" defense="antiJamming" dal="1">4</cost>
<cost component="TrainCommunicationSystem.Impl:::antenna" defense="antiJamming" dal="2">7</cost>
<cost component="TrainCommunicationSystem.Impl:::antenna" defense="antiJamming" dal="...n">...x</cost>
<cost component="TrainCommunicationSystem.Impl:::antenna" defense="antiJamming" dal="9">9</cost>
where the antiJamming component at DAL 2 is mapped to 7