
APRSDroid map crash

Opened this issue · 3 comments

APRSDroid 1.6.26b 2022-01-05. Worked with wifi and then the app kept resetting when the wifi was off. This happened once the bluetooth connection was established. I am not sure what changed once aprs data came in but the app now will not run.

PS was planing on using this for tracking locations and vehicles for a event Saturday.


F4EGX commented

Same problem, but wifi or not, the app is killed when I clic on the map icon.

Can confirm same issue on 1.6.2b, running on Android 13. Works fine until you click on the Map icon. Really limits the functionality of the app without the map.

I had an Android 13 tablet that I never had APRSDroid on, and the map worked fine there after an install. So on my first device (phone), I force-closed the app, deleted the data and cache, and re-setup everything. Now the map works! I had previously tried uninstalling/reinstalling, downgrading to previous versions, phone reboots.