Smarter monitor management.
Opened this issue · 4 comments
A way to have the virtual monitor dynamically turn on and off depending on external decencies.
For example while i'm normally using my computer it stays off.
Opening steam VR turns the virtual display on, so it's only in use when it's visible to the user.
Closes again when closing Steam VR.
Improves UX automatically.
Thanks for the issue.
I found it's possible to turn on and off IddSampleDriver by executing following commands in admin PowerShell:
Enable-PnpDevice ROOT\DISPLAY\0000 -Confirm:$false
Disable-PnpDevice ROOT\DISPLAY\0000 -Confirm:$false
(The device ID may change, but probably this is often correct)
So I think we don't have to provide such a function in IddSampleDriver but can realize such a function using some external automation tool like AutoHotkey.
Brilliant, however i'm unsure how to implement this into a script.
Or a simple file I can run to execute the command.
Saving the file as a .ps1 never runs the file even as admin, only running it manually though a PowerShell instance gets the command to correctly function.
powershell.exe -command start-process 'powershell.exe' '-command Enable-PnpDevice ROOT\DISPLAY\0000 -Confirm:$false' -Verb runas
This command runs the previous command as administrator, but of course with UAC dialog, which you may not want.
Probably it's better to implement some background program.
I tried writing it. This AutoHotkey program, if run with admin privilege, turns on IddSampleDriver when Notepad is open and turns it off when Notepad is closed.
#SingleInstance, Force
loop, {
loop, {
if WinExist("ahk_class Notepad") {
Run powershell -command Enable-PnpDevice ROOT\DISPLAY\0000 -Confirm:$false,,Hide
Sleep, 100
Sleep, 100
loop, {
if !WinExist("ahk_class Notepad") {
Run powershell -command Disable-PnpDevice ROOT\DISPLAY\0000 -Confirm:$false,,Hide
Sleep, 100
Sleep, 100
Here I used window class to detect Notepad window.
Sometimes it's not so easy to detect only specific windows you want, and I don't know how steam VR windows works, but it's probably possible.
Got it working.
#SingleInstance, Force
loop, {
loop, {
if WinExist("ahk_exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64\vrmonitor.exe") {
Run powershell -command Enable-PnpDevice ROOT\DISPLAY\0000 -Confirm:$false,,Hide
Sleep, 100
Sleep, 100
loop, {
if !WinExist("ahk_exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64\vrmonitor.exe") {
Run powershell -command Disable-PnpDevice ROOT\DISPLAY\0000 -Confirm:$false,,Hide
Sleep, 100
Sleep, 100
You'll just need to create a shortcut and place it into the windows start up folder with admin rights.