
Add acronym to docs

Closed this issue · 5 comments

SOFUN: Seasonal Optimisation of Fixation and Uptake of Nitrogen

yes, that's the one I had in mind when I first started working on it. But in the meantime, the purpose has deviated and has become much more encompassing.

I'm thinking more in the direction of

Simulating Optimal Functioning ...

... but what could be the last two letters?

We can rename the whole thing to better reflect the current state. The repo would redirect. If there is any time to do it, it would be now.

R Simulating Optimal FUNctioning (rsofun), keeping as is... ship has sailed anyway

Just thought that it would make sense to rethink the rsofun name, since I don't see the relation of the package's name to the package's content.

stineb commented

I like Koen's suggestion.