
Issue in QA task,

Closed this issue · 3 comments

After I and my superviser checked cafefully with your, There are lots of issues happening. The description are the following:

  1. in line 184, actually you did not provide the model mentioned.
  2. in line 186, you did not claim Discriminator.Discriminator_pair_wise
  3. so if I change the Discriminator.Discriminator_pair_wise into Discriminator only, error will appear in line 197 stating that "pair" is not recognized.

Could you help solve the above problems or provide a precise description?

I am looking forward to your response and thank you for your time,

I may upload the wrong version of

  1. in line 184, the pre-trained model is in the folder named "model", you should rename the DIS_MODEL_FILE as "model/pre-trained.model".
  2. in line 186, "Discriminator.Discriminator_pair_wise" should be "Discriminator.Discriminator "
  3. Sorry, I cannot repeat your error, would you please provide more detail?

I have fixed these problem in this repository, I am sorry for my error. If there are any other problems, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thanks for your issue.

Hello wabyking,
Thank you for your quick response.
After I replaced your updated, the execution moved forward a little bit, and I got the following error showing in the picture attached. As a novice of Tensorflow, I am not sure where this type of error comes from. One guess is that the python version does matter in your case because I was using the 2.7 version.


I have fixed some of the bugs. There are the updates:

  1. in line 101, you called the concat functions in a wrong way, which should be tf.concat(output,3)
  2. Due to recent updated tensorflow 1.0 version, all the tf.mul should be tf.multiply and all the tf.sub should be tf.subtract.


Thank Ryan,
I test the code in TensorFlow 0.12, it works. Sorry for that it does not support the newest version.
It may cost a little time to transfer it to the newest Tensorflow. I may update it if not busy. But I cannot confirm the time schedule.