
Works with Xiaomi AX6000

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Following my comment . I have put the modified firmware in to the AX6000 (RA72) perfectly, updating "patch" files with 1.0.55 firmware version (SSH patched previously). In the first burned, I had a odd behaveral of Internet LED (always off), but in the next burned, it works perfectly.
Are you interested in include in to xqrepack?

i'm interested with full instructions ;) i have ax6000 with 1.0.55 inside and root access. thanks!

Hi @unocerobits I've just run the script on the AX6000 firmware and didn't seem to have any problems (aside from the wrong patches for AX3600 being applied onto AX6000). If you do have patches that are equivalent of those for AX3600, I'd welcome a PR. Thanks.

Perfect @geekman!
I attach you the .patch files.
In my case, I created a little revision for AX6000, touching "Makefile, and" and merging with @pablocp19, great fork of your excelent work.

For AX6000, this files only work with the firmware 1.0.55:

Best regards