
Backtracking Problems in Cpp

geekquad opened this issue · 14 comments

Implementation of the following in Cpp:

  • The Knight’s tour problem

  • Rat in a Maze

  • N Queen Problem

  • Subset Sum

  • m Coloring Problem

  • Hamiltonian Cycle

  • Magnet Puzzle

To be merged in "cpp/backtracking" folder.

@geekquad Please assign this to me.
I want to add Rat in a maze and N Queen's problem

Assigning you with the same @Vrindagupta6828.

@geekquad please assign this to me
I want to work on The Knight's tour problem, Subset sum, and m Coloring problem

Can you please assign me hamilton cycle as well

Assigning The Knight's tour problem, Subset-sum, and m Coloring problem to @itish-agarwal.
Assigning Hamiltonian Cycle to @Vrindagupta6828.

I'd like to take Magnet Puzzle problem

Assigning Magnet Puzzle problem to @Aarushi11H.

I will work on Subset sum problem
@geekquad please assign it to me

Hey @shash-2468, the Subset sum problem is already assigned to someone else. Please see if you can contribute to some other issues.

Hey @itish-agarwal, are you willing to complete the issues assigned to you?

Okay @geekquad , If @itish-agarwal isn't willing to do then assign me please!!

Yes please assign the issue to @shash-2468 as i am not able to complete it

Assigning Knight's tour problem, Subset-sum, and m Coloring problem to @shash-2468.

everything is solved in this issue.
close this