
Bayesian Algorithms

geekquad opened this issue · 10 comments

Implementation of the following:

  • Naive Bayes

  • Gaussian Naive Bayes

  • Multinomial Naive Bayes

  • Averaged One-Dependence Estimators (AODE)

  • Bayesian Belief Network (BBN)

  • Bayesian Network (BN)

Needs to be merged in Bayesian Algorithms folder.

@geekquad I want to work on this please assign it to me..

Hey @Raghibshams456, which one would you like to work on?

On Gaussian Naive Bayes and Multinomial Naive Bayes...

Assigning Gaussian Naive Bayes and Multinomial Naive Bayes to @Raghibshams456.

@geekquad I think Gaussian Naive Bayes and Multinomial Naive Bayes is already done??

Hey @Raghibshams456, sorry I didn't get you. I have assigned these to you.
If you feel any difficulty please reach out to me on our Slack channel.

Hey @geekquad I want to work on Bayesian Network (BN) please assign it to me.

Assigning Bayesian Network (BN) to @aditkumar72.

Hi @geekquad, I suppose that the Bayesian Belief Network(BNN) is not assigned to anyone yet. Can you please assign it to me? I can work on it.

Hello, I would like to do Bayesian Belief Network(BNN) for hacktoberfest'22. Please assign me.