
Why no trading?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

After playing ISRU once (and only once, so this is far from a well-informed question), I'm wondering why there is no option to trade resources with other players?

Of course I could make a fork and add this feature, but I'm just curious if you've already tried and rejected it.

Thanks, Cooper

Bump - I'll be doing some more play testing next week and would love some background on "trading" before then - thanks!

After having played ISRU twice with @coopr, we came up with a few expansions on this theme. It might be interesting to try converting the lounge to a space space station, or something similar where people who have crew in that location can either pass the time away (in the the bar) or trade with other players who also have crew in the space station.

It might also be interesting to allow people who can't make a satisfying trade happen (either due to poor negotiating skills or a lack of other crew in the station to trade with) to exchange resources in the space station at a steep exchange rate, maybe 3 copper for one silver (upwards exchange), and maybe one silver for one copper (downward exchange)?