
Test fan control on ASRock Rack motherboard

Opened this issue · 1 comments

It seems like there are no fan control options in the UI in OpenBMC, nor in the BIOS, as far as I can tell.

Right now, the only way to manage fan curves is manually:

  1. SSH into OpenBMC
  2. Edit /usr/share/swampd/config-asrr.json

There's also a fanctl utility in OpenBMC as part of phosphor-fan-presence, but that seems to not be present on this motherboard install.

Also, as a note: the FAN_FAIL LEDs are always lit by the CPU cooler fans no matter what, so not sure why. Apparently that's not just a me thing, someone else using this motherboard reports the same behavior.

There is also an update available for the firmware, currently in beta, which fixes the FAN_FAIL LEDs at least. Not sure about any other tweaks for fan control in there.