
Demonstration Ruby on Rails app for Ansible for DevOps

Primary LanguageRuby

Demo Rails App

Build Status

This repository contains an extremely simple Ruby on Rails app which follows the official Getting Started with Rails guide.

The app is meant for demonstration purposes in Ansible for DevOps, a book on Ansible by Jeff Geerling. See, specifically, the deployments example in the official Ansible for DevOps repository.

Local Install

If you'd like to run the example locally, make sure you have Ruby and Rails installed, then do the following (from within this repository's directory):

  1. sudo bundle install
  2. bin/rails server
  3. rake db:create
  4. rake db:schema:load

After WEBrick starts up on port 3000 (it's default), you should be able to browse the rails app in your browser at something like http://localhost:3000/.

Generating secrets.yml

If you get a warning about a secrets.yml file missing, create a secrets.yml file in config/secrets.yml with content like the following:

  secret_key_base: SECRET_1_HERE

  secret_key_base: SECRET_2_HERE

  secret_key_base: SECRET_3_HERE

To generate secrets for the three environments, run RAILS_ENV=[environment name here] rake secret.



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