ssh hangs on centos7 version 1.1.4
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Tried to start a new DrupalVM box up using geerlingguy/centos7 1.1.4 and kept getting hung at the point where ssh logins occur. No error messages would show either, it would just sort of hang for a while and then exit out saying it couldn't get ssh access. I am assuming this is a problem with the 1.1.4 release because when I made a Vagrantfile.local and added the following line, destroyed and ran up again, it was able to execute ssh.
config.vm.box_version = "1.1.3"
I'm 99% sure this is due to running VirtualBox 5.0.x instead of 5.1.6 or later. See related:
The fix if you need to remain on an older VirtualBox release is to install the box version 1.1.3 instead.
Going to close this issue and the other on Drupal VM, since there's a workaround (don't upgrade box until you've upgraded VirtualBox itself), and since the main issue causing upgrade to be difficult in your case seems to be geerlingguy/drupal-vm#912