
Frigate timelapses by day?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

One thing I would like to automate using Frigate is daily timelapses (or maybe on some other scale)—and it has been frustrating trying to figure out where to go to generate them...

This discussion asks the same thing, and this issue had a problem with it... but nowhere in the issue is it mentioned how to create a timelapse or how it was done and failed :D

Hmm... it seems like there should be an 'Exports Web UI' after this PR was merged but I'm not seeing it. Maybe it's some sort of beta thing hidden away? Need to do some digging.

Oooh... it looks like it's part of the 0.13 release—which is still in beta. I thought 0.13 was released, but I'm on 0.12.1-367D724

I could switch to and that should work... hopefully.

The export UI in 0.13 seems to work—though it tends to eat up the rest of the Pi's poor little CPU while generating the timelapse, hitting over 150% on a 2nd ffmpeg thread. Will have to investigate that too, in #8.

But here's the UI:

Screenshot 2024-01-02 at 9 03 52 PM

And for an hour of footage, the timelapse file took maybe 5 minutes to create (a resulting 800 MB file).