Add button to delete all books (ie. reset database)
Opened this issue · 3 comments
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There are a number of issues on this repo where the solution was to simply delete the database in order to solve a problem. Obviously the database shouldn't be corrupted in the first place, but it's useful nevertheless to be able to delete all books with one click, so that one don't have to reinstall Cozy, or delete the database files manually.
How do I delete the database when using the Flatpak install? Using Remove from Library isn't even working anymore so I'm getting "Can't find this" "Can't find that" messages every time I launch.
You can delete Cozy's database file manually. It's located at ~/.var/app/com.github.geigi.cozy/data/cozy/cozy.db
I managed to get rid of the one book that wouldn't go away by creating the folder it used to be in and creating an mp3 file with the same name. Then I was given the option to remove it and it went away.
Still, that path given here does the job.
Looks like the "proper" way to remove a book is to use Remove from within Cozy rather than just delete the folder/file. However, a re-scan of the library ought to handle this as well I would think.