
Can not install the package

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latest version

can not install the package


unix commented

I can't reproduce this issue, but i guess there are following reasons:

  1. NPM mirror site not sync. (if you using mirror site, check by npm config get userconfig)
  2. node_modules cache. clear: rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json

also, check your npm --version, please keep me informed of any progress or problems.

unix commented

@zeit-ui/style version 0.9.2 is existed. here is CDN:

I can't reproduce this issue, but i guess there are following reasons:

  1. NPM mirror site not sync. (if you using mirror site, check by npm config get userconfig)
  2. node_modules cache. clear: rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json

also, check your npm --version, please keep me informed of any progress or problems.

when I remove the npm_cache, everything is ok. Thank you so much 😄