
Listen tcp bind: address already in use

onrecc opened this issue · 13 comments

Current Behavior (🐛 Bug)

Does not start after building, filling config and running ./msh, just throws an error.

Expected Behavior

It should start up and do its thing

Steps to Reproduce

Built using GO 1.19, then filled out the config file

  "Server": {
    "Folder": "/opt/mcsmanager/daemon/data/InstanceData/8a68516513a7499fb1d44a85eecd63be",
    "FileName": "paper1.19.3.jar",
    "Version": "",
    "Protocol": 761
  "Commands": {
    "StartServer": "java -jar paper1.19.3.jar nogui",
    "StartServerParam": "-Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8",
    "StopServer": "stop",
    "StopServerAllowKill": 30
  "Msh": {
    "Debug": 3,
    "ID": "781...1da9",
    "ListenPort": 25555,
    "TimeBeforeStoppingEmptyServer": 120,
    "SuspendAllow": false,
    "SuspendRefresh": -1,
    "InfoHibernation": "                   §fserver status:\n                   §b§lHIBERNATING",
    "InfoStarting": "                   §fserver status:\n                    §6§lWARMING UP",
    "NotifyUpdate": true,
    "NotifyMessage": true,
    "Whitelist": [],
    "WhitelistImport": false

ran using ./msh

MSH Logs




Operating system

Ubuntu 22.04

System architecture?


Minecraft Version

1.19.3 Purpur, and a Waterfall Bungeecord server (I think 1.19.3)

Minecraft Server Software?

Other (Add to Minecraft Version)

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues before opening this issue.
  • I have provided all relevant details.

Address already in use means that there is an other program running on the same port.

Usually its an othe rinstance of msh that you forgot to kill.

Well what port should I use other than the one I use for Waterfall?

Explain better your setup please (addresses connections proxyes ecc...).

Or you can solve it by using a port different from 25555 i guess.

I have a Waterfall proxy running on port 25555, a hub server running on 25565, then a couple more servers ranging from 25566-25569.

Clients connect to the waterfall proxy on port 25555?

Msh accepts clients on which port?

What is the ms server port?

Players connect to the proxy on port 25555 and then get sent to the Hub which is on port 25565.

Use netstat -tulpn | grep ':25555' to understand which process is already listening on port 25555 and kill it.

A java process is listening on port 25555 which I assume is my Waterfall proxy

Ok then change msh port.

I'll close the issue as it's not related to msh but to specific user config.

What should I change the port into then if not the port that the players use to join??

Change msh port to 24444 and tell players to connect to that port

Alright well then I only want it to shut down some of my servers not the whole proxy, but I assume that is not possible if it just redirects to the server you have entered in your config.

Idk... I've no experience with waterfall proxy.

There are some users that had the same problem and maybe found a workaround.

You can try and ask on the discord server.