
add Auto

gelisam opened this issue · 5 comments

The documentation states:

It's been called "FRP for discrete time contexts".

So I guess it belongs here as well.

This library is very close to netwire.
Possibly I can write an example by modifying netwire-example.

Please do!

Sorry, wrong ticket ID. 16edb7e

I noticed you put auto in the list of non-FRP examples. From what I've been told on reddit, the author of auto doesn't consider auto to be FRP, at least according to Conal Elliott's definition of FRP. Since most of the other FRP libraries in our list are also only considered FRP in the broader sense of the term, not Conal's, I would like to move auto from the non-FRP list to the FRP list.

Any objection?

I agree. This library can be included in FRP list.