
Inconsistency in Image Dimensions Between and Scripts

benthebear93 opened this issue · 0 comments

In, the Camera class is initialized with the following image dimensions:

For R1, self.imgw is set to 320, and self.imgh is set to 240.
For R1.5, it is implied that the dimensions should be changed to 240 for width and 320 for height.
However, connection() method of Camera class, the code explicitly sets:

self.imgw to 240,
self.imgh to 320,
effectively overriding the initial dimensions and swapping their values.

Additionally, some methods use the command f0 = resize_crop_mini(f0, self.imgh, self.imgw) to resize the image, resulting in an image size of 320x240x3.

On the other hand, in the script, the dimensions are set as:

imgh = 240,
imgw = 320,
indicating the width and height as 320 and 240, respectively, which leads to an image size of 240x320x3.

Upon reviewing both images, the dimensions used in appear to be correct. However, there's uncertainty due to the discrepancies between the initial settings in each script. Please verify this inconsistency.