
Forms not opening after setting Pos

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi! I cannot manage to open "/fe menu" after I have typed in /fe pos1 and selected an area, and even after /fe pos2 and selected the second position.
It does work after rejoining the server though.

Hi @BootheBoys, i'm so sorry if the plugin description/manual is not clear on this, creating area is either with commands or with the menu, this can not be combined;

  1. create area with menu:
    You can use cmd '/fe menu' or just hold the magic item (purpur block/your selected item/block). Then if you choose create area you should tab the positions with the magic item.
    After tab pos1 you may use other blocks to build etc. and then hold the magic item again to tab pos2. Directly after tab pos2 the menu should come back to name your area.
  2. create area with commands:
    Use /fe pos1 and /fe pos2 to tab the positions, after pos2 you need '/fe create area ' to finnish the area creation.
    After this both commands and menu can be used to manage the area.
    Hope this is a bit more clear for you,
    thank you for asking!

Woooooow, I got it to work, and thank you so much. This plugin is much better than I could've hoped for it to be! Thanks a lot, one: for being nice about your response (i run into a lot of rude devs), and two: giving a thorough and well explained response!

One suggestion: I didn't quite know what "tab" meant, but it was pretty easy to figure out. Maybe use a different term in the future? I'm not sure if that is clear what it means in your area of the world, but where I live it doesn't mean break or place :)

Also, you will be seeing lots of suggestions from me very soon! Can't wait to get started using this plugin! 5/5 stars will be left of Poggit!