
Error to run the sketch with processing 2 and processing 3

MatteoSupertramp opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello, first of all I'm just getting started with processing and code, so I'm sorry if this comment will look stupid.
I tried to run the sketch with processing 2.2.1 and it gave an error:
" This version of Processing only supports libraries and JAR files compiled for Java 1.6 or earlier.
A library used by this sketch was compiled for Java 1.7 or later,
and needs to be recompiled to be compatible with Java 1.6."

So I tried to run the sketch with Processing 3 and it gave another error:
"The method add(Component) in the type Container is not applicable for the arguments (CALIBRATION.ChessboardApplet)"

What can I do? Do I have to download some precise libraries, or something similar?
I'm using MacBook Pro macOS ventura 13
pls help
sorry for my English

I'm sorry, this library was made almost 10 years ago and I'm not really maintaining it anymore.
it was made for processing 2.2.1, and doesn't work on 3 (although there might be a fork that does).
also it only works on the original Kinect which is no longer manufactured...