

PitchBlecc opened this issue · 6 comments

After launching I get several NullPointerExceptions.
I'm using:
Processing 2.2.1
SimpleOpenNI Version 1.96
OpenCV for Processing 0.5.2
Using Java OpenCV
ControlP5 2.2.5

The Simple Open NI Demos run without any errors. Do you have an idea on how to resolve the Exceptions?

can you provide some more details, like where you are getting the null pointers?

Same issue @PitchBlecc you figure it out?

I don't get a line number just a few logs of java.lang.NullPointerException

SimpleOpenNI Version 1.96
OpenCV for Processing 0.5.2
Using Java OpenCV
ControlP5 2.2.5

@genekogan what was the last known working versions?

Alright I uninstalled Processing, reinstalled the most stable 2.x version from their site, reinstalled all the libraries and now everything seems to be hunky dory.

I still get the errors but everything seems to be working fine.

yes, KPT was never really updated for Processing 3, so in 2.2 at least everything should run.