Extra Form : Captcha GD, Tinymce, Recaptcha, JQueryDate, JQueryAutocomplete, JQuerySlider, JQueryFile, JQueryImage
- 1
- 11
Is this project active?
#348 opened by DIOHz0r - 1
Select2 and many-to-many relations
#314 opened by abocquet - 2
- 2
jquery slider - implement range option
#299 opened by bamarni - 4
Add jquery datepicker for datetime fields
#304 opened by jr-k - 4
Autocomplete with Symfony 2.3 doesn't work
#284 opened by SamyDahmani - 3
Javascript for prototype
#333 opened by jcrombez - 2
Create dynamic new item genemu_jqueryselect2_entity
#360 opened by gvoxel - 2
- 2
JquerySelect2 error in form collection
#305 opened by mrcmorales - 7
ReCaptcha - Not showing when called with ajax
#359 opened by Molkobain - 13
How I add a reload link for reCaptcha widget?
#361 opened by reypm - 0
Autocomplete don`t work
#357 opened by ntarakan - 0
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- 5
"Use jQuery Select2 with Ajax" doc inconclusive
#330 opened by wowpatrick - 1
Cant set the tinymce content_css option
#353 opened by hyyan - 16
couldnt make it work....
#350 opened by RodolVelasco - 1
[jQuery Rating] Token input rendered as a star
#351 opened by Molkobain - 6
Fatal error: Class 'Genemu\Bundle\FormBundle\GenemuFormBundle' not found (Symfony 2.3.15)
#349 opened by RodolVelasco - 2
Recaptcha translations
#343 opened by wysow - 0
- 0
autocomplete_entity: cannot handle mapped fields
#335 opened by sctt - 2
Multiple select2 inputs with ajax
#329 opened by jxn - 9
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jquerycolor_javascript strange behavior
#328 opened by facundososalopez - 0
Captcha GD
#325 opened by freiyer - 0
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How to configure a DatePicker
#306 opened by jcrombez - 0
Autocomplete and $form->getData()
#320 opened by soerenmartius - 1
Creating DateTimePicker
#312 opened - 0
it would be great if this bundle worked with mongodb
#302 opened by satboy78 - 8
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#275 opened by LorenzoGodino - 1
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Datepicker date format problem
#289 opened by maks-rafalko - 1
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Select2 invalid configuration exception
#296 opened by bsdnomad - 1
Multiple captchas in the same page
#295 opened by tabernicola - 12
genemu_jqueryselect2_entity doesn't work
#285 opened by maks-rafalko - 1
autocomplete with subform and datatransformer
#293 opened by FloSeas - 1
Problem to connfigure uploadify.swf
#291 opened by klb-rodriguez - 2
Unable to load css and javascript in twig template
#279 opened by fredleput - 2
Use GenemuFormBundle's twig extension in another bundle
#278 opened by ioleo - 1
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Symfony 2.3 ReCaptchaValidator::validate() has incorrect object type specified
#274 opened by succinct - 1
Can't change url in uploadify.
#272 opened by rsantellan - 2
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JQuery Autocompleter in edit mode with ajax
#270 opened by cedriclombardot