
Help, annotation switches to a different process than specified-> (ref: gomodel:60e7989d00000085)

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I am trying to create a model with the following 3 annotons:

Npr3 (GATOR1-SEACIT GTPase complex subunit Npr3)
enables GTPase activator activity
part_of negative regulation of TORC1 signaling
occurs_during cellular response to nitrogen starvation

Gtr1 (RagA GTPase Gtr1)
enables protein serine/threonine kinase activator activity
part_of positive regulation of TORC1 signaling

Tor2 (TORC1 serine/threonine protein kinase)
protein serine/threonine kinase activity
part_of TORC1 signaling (GO:0038202)
occurs_in fungal-type vacuole membrane (GO:0000329)

I will then connect them up as:
Npr3 has_input (relation: directly negatively regulates) Gtr1
Gtr1 has_input (relation: directly positively regulates) Tor2

However, if I add the Npr3 annotation, and then try to create the Gtr1 annotation, the BP for Gtr1 gets switched to negative regulation of TORC1 signaling. If I then do it the other way around the Npr3 annotation gets switched to positive regulation. (even though I explicitly stated the opposite in the annoton).

What am I doing wrong?
Could this be trouble-shooted on the Next Noctua office hours call? (or some other time).


I just tried again and it switched again. This is really odd as I haven't even yet made any connection between gtr1 and npr2.