
Second step: Add existing evidence to imported pathways

ukemi opened this issue · 1 comments

ukemi commented

For asserted statements in an imported pathway, it would be helpful to add evidence from existing annotations to the model.

  1. MF annotations and enablers should be straightforward.
  2. CC annotations should be straightforward.
  3. BP annotations might be a bit more of a challenge due to limitations in the traditional evidence paradigm when projected onto GO-CAM models.
ukemi commented
  1. Inference from human will be automatically be populated. If geneA-> relation -> GO_term is imported and there is an exact annotation geneA->relation->GO_term with evidence, that evidence will be automatically added to the model.
  2. Pilot is to take a couple kinds of pathways and see if we can do this manually. Keep track of how many assertions in the model already have evidence and how often are there 'other' functions that are in existing annotations that would 'support' the model?
  3. Do we want to have a hierarchy of evidence? The computer has already used ISO between human and species to generate the model. So other evidence gets priority?
  4. Do we want to use the deepening of GP to term relations that will happen in the models to deepen the GP to term relations in the existing conventional annotations? Create a report for curators?
  5. Do we want to update to keep the automatic evidence assignment in perfect accordance with the models, both for additions and deprecation? Alert curators when evidence disappears.
  6. In the workflow, curators would make a standard annotation to fill in the blanks in models.
  7. Interesting to see how many annotation and what type of annotations don't get incorporated into models.