
External links should go to new AmiGO GO-CAM pages

kltm opened this issue · 9 comments

kltm commented

This would be a fully fixed version of #21 (comment)

Some links at external locations point to the noctua curation system, creating load and outages for something that is not meant to be a public interface. An example (the only one?) is the pathway widget, which routes to a noctua view.

This would be closed when user all traffic associated with this repo is directed away from noctua (in conjunction with geneontology/api-gorest-2021#6).

kltm commented

In discussion with @vanaukenk and @ukemi , @kltm will

  • merge code; put out to prod
  • update model URI
  • do a doc check (now geneontology/go-site#1929)
  • (if possible, enable HTTPS during this process as we are safely in AmiGO)

Otherwise, we'll take this as bugs and and fix as we find them as part of ongoing maintenance.

kltm commented

I'm having a little trouble building the code on prod. Likely caused by an older node/npm; will be digging into it.

kltm commented

After initially running into this error after a wipe and build

[13:22:04] 'compile_js_dev' errored after 35 ms
[13:22:04] TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of undefined
    at /home/bbop/local/src/git/amigo/gulpfile.js:322:45
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at _client_compile_task (/home/bbop/local/src/git/amigo/gulpfile.js:297:12)
    at /home/bbop/local/src/git/amigo/gulpfile.js:345:20
    at (/home/bbop/local/src/git/amigo/node_modules/underscore/underscore.js:172:24)
    at compile_js_dev (/home/bbop/local/src/git/amigo/gulpfile.js:344:12)
    at bound (domain.js:301:14)
    at runBound (domain.js:314:12)
    at asyncRunner (/home/bbop/local/src/git/amigo/node_modules/async-done/index.js:55:18)
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:132:7)
[13:22:04] 'install' errored after 5.46 s

I was able to proceed with a second run of the command. All further wipe and build have not recreated this error, so there is some state I missed or the error is non-deterministic. Either way, pushing forward.

kltm commented

I jumped the gun on putting this out to production: we will need to have the updated code in the merged GO API out first.

@kltm just from top of my head, bbop gulp doesn't work for node more than 10

kltm commented

Fortunately, it seems to be a non-deterministic issue. The patch-up that @pkalita-lbl did allows us to compile on some of the older versions, including production. The issues we have now are with me jumping the gun on the API, not that we've switched to HTTPS.

kltm commented

This now seems to function as expected.