
Increase configuration flexibility

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In the current state, identical tasks, such as notification of all events in a repository, are partially handled by identical scripts. This increases the development effort and possible sources of error for specific hooks.

If notifications are implemented using the hook all, notifications are sent to the channel webhook from the 'all.json'. But if you want to report to a dedicated channel for a repository, you would have to copy the script all (best-of-breed) and duplicate the specific configuration. The webhook must be specified here for the specific channel.

This duplication increases the susceptibility to errors and, if the all hook is developed further, the additional maintenance effort for the copied scripts with the number of repositories supported in this way.

It should therefore be considered whether support for repository-specific notification to additional channels/webhooks can be implemented in the all hook.

The following options should be possible:

  • Support for all or specific events
  • Support for multiple repositories/webhooks