
vertical labels on x-axis

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sometimes when there are too many categories on the horizontal axis, the labels will merge into each other. Is it possible to print the x-axis labels vertically?

There is parameter :angle for add-axes. Try to use it, I'm not sure if it work properly though.

I tried:

(build/add-axes :bottom {:angle (or x-angle 0)})

but I don't think it does anything

Screen Shot 2019-04-17 at 4 04 08 pm

ok, I'll check it. This can be kind of tricky issue. I draw axes on rotated and translated canvas so sometimes it can give a mess.

anyway, thanks for spotting this issues it helps me to find crucial bugs quicker

I'm using the horizontal bar chart at the moment to get around it. Loving the library so far and looking to see what use cases I can/can't do.

The parameter was wrong, should be {:ticks {:text-angle -90}} but still, doesn't work properly (fortunately I know why).

implementation notes:
For each axis type (left/right, top/bottom) prepare positioning info for given angle range.
Eg. for bottom angle 0, centered, angle (0-90) - left align, angle [90,180) - right align, etc.
Also, create function returning size which is going to be used by marks (roughly: r*sin(angle) where r=sqrt(w^2+(h/2)^2))