
What is window.generativeMusic.rng() ?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

HI Alex,

I'm exploring the code trying to learn how you made some of these and I'm running into an issue. You have this window.generativeMusic.rng() in use all over the place but I can not find where it is defined. Is it some sort of random seed?


Hi again Tate!

The implementation is a little hacky but it's just a random number generator that defaults to Math.random.

I wanted to add a reward for people who supported where I'd use their name to seed the random number generator, but I'd already written so much code where I just used the global Math.random(). So I just replaced those with window.generativeMusic.rng(), and then I could override it with a another (seedable) rng. For example, here's where I do that in Play:

I'll be sure to note this in the readme