
Receive and handle response from `TLSPOutgoingRequest`

genericptr opened this issue · 0 comments

Currently the JSON RPC package can't receive this messages so we would need to implement it ourself.

The response comes back like {"id":"_0","result":{"applied":true},"jsonrpc":"2.0"} where "id" is the value sent from TLSPOutgoingRequest and if we had a lookup table we could match the response to the request and invoke a handler.

    interface ResponseMessage extends Message {
       * The request id.
      id: integer | string | null;

       * The result of a request. This member is REQUIRED on success.
       * This member MUST NOT exist if there was an error invoking the method.
      result?: string | number | boolean | object | null;

       * The error object in case a request fails.
      error?: ResponseError;