
Tranferring archive can not find the file

Opened this issue · 24 comments

While trying to restore backup files created in my previous device after copying the file to correct directory i seem to be getting the same error that states "Back up file not found"
Screenshot_2021-03-24-10-29-04-932_com spicymango fanfictionreader
which is kinda silly imo 'cause if it couldnt find the file the button to restore should appear greyed-out. I have tried numerous times and different transfer methods in case file is getting corrupted somehow but so for i got nothing. I really need to get this to work asap to stop carrying two phones everywhere since i still can not download new stories. Any idea for a fix? (One thing i noticed though was no matter what kind of transfer method i use the original 831.1mb file expands to and end up 871.43mb on the new device i dont know if it is related)
I've just recently changed my phone from galaxy note5 (android7.0) to poco x3 nfc (10.0) if it helps.

Edit: I think it may have something to do with previously mentioned issue of the app repeatedly crashing at #73 because i am having the same issue (downloaded from the dropbox link that has been shared at #72)

This happened to me as well.
This is a problem with the permissions in the Android System, I believe it may have to be related to a new security patch, since the phone had Android 10 and the app was working well, with the exception of the downloads and such

However, a few days ago, my phone actualized to Android 11, and I could see the problem with more clarity.
The app tries to look for the file, but it only has permission to check in the media files, and, as we know, the backup file is in the root folder of the device.
In the two images, there are the permissions to the fanfiction app, and the example from a camera app. While the fanfiction app has only permission to access to the media libraries, the camera app can access any library from the dispositive


While trying to restore backup files created in my previous device after copying the file to correct directory i seem to be getting the same error that states "Back up file not found"
Screenshot_2021-03-24-10-29-04-932_com spicymango fanfictionreader
which is kinda silly imo 'cause if it couldnt find the file the button to restore should appear greyed-out. I have tried numerous times and different transfer methods in case file is getting corrupted somehow but so for i got nothing. I really need to get this to work asap to stop carrying two phones everywhere since i still can not download new stories. Any idea for a fix? (One thing i noticed though was no matter what kind of transfer method i use the original 831.1mb file expands to and end up 871.43mb on the new device i dont know if it is related)
I've just recently changed my phone from galaxy note5 (android7.0) to poco x3 nfc (10.0) if it helps.

Edit: I think it may have something to do with previously mentioned issue of the app repeatedly crashing at #73 because i am having the same issue (downloaded from the dropbox link that has been shared at #72)

It's a known issue. It's been awhile since the developer has posted but he did say that this was only a beta version so there are bound to be some issues. We just have to be patient.

Truth to be told, the issue whole issue with the backup/restore functionality is due to the app's age. I originally coded that part of the app back when Android 2.2 was mainstream (and back when I was in college and with more free time). It worked fairly well until android 5.0, where they changed how files are accessed. Ever since then, that functionality is rather buggy, as it works in some devices but not in others.

It's on the to-do list, but I probably won't get to fix that anytime soon. Work has been rather heavy, and I still need to fix story downloads first.

Don't worry about it.The fact you've done so much for us already is amazing!I more than Understand that work can be difficult.

I found a workaround for the issue with the backup/restore which others can duplicate so it's not that big a deal. I agree @acesknight , thanks for working on the app!

Whats the workaround @Luminatrix-eng

Whats the workaround @Luminatrix-eng

Remove the app first then Google and download version 1.58b, where transferring files works, once you transferred the files you can re update to 1.60 by going to play store/downloaded apps and updating the app there.

What @ghrrrr said :)

@genious7 , is it possible to get the backup part of the app? Not worried about restoring now, at the very least it will be backed up.

I have a slightly different issue with transferring my archive to my new phone. I do have the app on the phone already, and I downloaded the .bak file too, but fanfiction reader doesnt even see the file. the 'restore files from memory' option stays grey. does anyone know how to solve this?

Do you have the version 1.58b on your phone? If you downloaded the new version it will not see the .bak file. You have to use version 1.58b where transferring files works, once you transferred the files you can re update to 1.60 by going to play store/downloaded apps and updating the app there.

ah so that's why. no, I have the 1.63 version. tho I dunno where to download the 1.58b version? I have my doubts tho..
Edit: oh I found a link, gonna try that. thanks anyway :) I have my doubts tho..

nope, did not work. still doesn't even see the .bak file.. TT^TT
I downloaded the old version and a new .bak file, I can find where the file is in my internal storage but I can't open it and fanfiction reader doesnt see the file so the 'restore files from memory' option is still grey.. I dunno what else to do..
Edit: tried my tablet but same thing there..

nope, did not work. still doesn't even see the .bak file.. TT^TT I downloaded the old version and a new .bak file, I can find where the file is in my internal storage but I can't open it and fanfiction reader doesnt see the file so the 'restore files from memory' option is still grey.. I dunno what else to do.. Edit: tried my tablet but same thing there..

Just to be clear, you followed all these steps, in this order?

  1. create a back up .bak file if you dont already have it
  2. completely remove the app from your device
  3. find and install 1.58b version
  4. while still in 1.58b use the app to locate and restore the .bak file
  5. go to google play, open the list of your own apps find and update the fanfiction reader there to the latest version
  6. go to newly updated app start updating the restored stories.

This worked for plenty of devices i and others have tried if it still doesnt work i dont know what to tell you.

i got to step 4, but it does not allow me to restore the bak file as the app does not see the file. the option stays grey/unclickable. so I havent updated the app yet.

Are you sure the file you are trying to restore is not somehow corrupted? Maybe you can try creating a new bak file that consists of only few random stories and try it with that and see if it works or not

I've backed up at least 4 times and none of the files were located on my new phone. It seems unlikely that they were all corrupted especially as I transferred 3 of them within half an hour of creating te back-up. Ill try updating the version on my tablet and download some stories to see if ur suggestion works tho. ill keep u updated
Edit: tried creating a back up on my tablet with 3 stories, mailed myself the file, downloaded the file, i've found the file on my phone so i know it's there but still the restore files option is unclickable.

Any other things I can try?

Any other things I can try?

Only other thing i can think atm is trying the same method with diffrent versions of the app like 1.56 or something, also just to be sure keep checking the version that is currently on your device to be sure that it is not updating itself automatically or something... Other than that i cant think anything else, it is weird though that we all had the same issue but the solution works for some but not the others... I think it is as @genious7 has said this app being created for a much older version of android and it is creating issues with things like this. Good luck

Nah, it didnt update automatically, but Ill try using an even older version, don't think it'll help much but Ill try it at least. thanks for the help tho :)

I think I found a way. I downloaded the 1.57 version and even tho there werent any stories yet u CAN back-up. so I did. then I download the test file and copy-paste-rewrote the back-up file without any stories and then the option of restoring files worked! its a slight detour, but hopefully it works with the file I want it to as well. Ill try it now with the real file. fingers crossed

YES!!!! OMG IT WORKED! Im so happy rn!
Thanks for the help! I'll try step 5 and 6 now. :D
Edit: have updated the app, added 2 stories by ID and have it currently running step 6 which seems to be doing well. Cannot browse stories atm apperently but super happy I dont have to manually download over 800 stories! xD
again, thanks for the help!

Are you sure the file you are trying to restore is not somehow corrupted? Maybe you can try creating a new bak file that consists of only few random stories and try it with that and see if it works or not

I have a theory and I suspect I know why step 4 didn't work for him. The .bak file he backed up was likely made in version 1.63 and not backed up with 1.58b version. The 1.57 version was probably able to find the .bak file whereas 1.58b wasn't able to.

I tried every version I could find (there were a lot!), none of them worked the way they were supposed to. So neither did the 1.57 version. But even tho I had to take such a roundabout way to get my stories on my new phone, it works now, so I'm happy! :D (I'm female btw. She/her pronouns. ;D)