
Error when opening new story

Opened this issue · 73 comments

When opening a new story i get no words and it says 1-1 chapters when in bio it says 20

Same thing is happening to me :/ Tho its also preventing me from updating fics


I can confirm the problem. The problem is caused by another CloudFlare security screen that the staff added to their website to block unofficial apps like this one, as shown in the image below. (Try opening any story on an incognito tab in a browser and you'll see that screen)

The app doesn't know what to do with that and freezes, resulting in the empty screen you are seeing.

I'll look into the issue, but I recommend you to consider migrating to the official app on the short term. Cloudflare's job is to block apps like this one, and it is exceedingly difficult to bypass (else there wouldn't be a point to it).


Out of curiosity, how hard would it be to add a log in feature to the app? I imagine if we log into FFN in the browser-not-browser, the cloudflare check would be disabled I imagine (unless thats not the case, of course)

@genious7, one thing I would request is some way to properly download/convert all the fics to pdfs or something. Around 10% of the fics in my collection is not there in the website anymore.

@genious7, one thing I would request is some way to properly download/convert all the fics to pdfs or something. Around 10% of the fics in my collection is not there in the website anymore.

Same plus I have 2155 download. I have managed to export the list but need a better way to add them instead of adding 1 at a time

Oh gfood, so its being worked on, I tried updating a direct story, and it gave me the notice "Error downloading story; please contact developer" right on my device, it's never said that before.

I personally concluded that it is a result of the cloudflare browser check, it seems to happen every 6 hours or so to me now

I tried the official app. It sucked. Yours is much better. If there's any chance for it to work again I'd prefer to use it.


I can confirm the problem. The problem is caused by another CloudFlare security screen that the staff added to their website to block unofficial apps like this one, as shown in the image below. (Try opening any story on an incognito tab in a browser and you'll see that screen)

The app doesn't know what to do with that and freezes, resulting in the empty screen you are seeing.

I'll look into the issue, but I recommend you to consider migrating to the official app on the short term. Cloudflare's job is to block apps like this one, and it is exceedingly difficult to bypass (else there wouldn't be a point to it).


@genious7 Im sure there will be some way you can manage to find a fix. Dont give up we believe in you. Also if you need any new ideas regarding on how to bypass the cloudflare i can give you some ideas.First i found something like a Cloudflare bypasser or some sort. Idk if this can come in handy for you. heres the page. If this doent work then you can try also this . Hope this helps.

I tried the official app. It sucked. Yours is much better. If there's any chance for it to work again I'd prefer to use it.

One time i also used their app before. Its bad. I prefer this one.

As time goes on they further refine the app. What used to really eat the battery is actually much lighter on the battery use. But nothing beats Fanfiction Reader. the stupid browser check from cloudflare though is making me leave and go to Proboards to host my stories

They really fucked it up this time. Those morons from fanfiction staff. I hope genious can find a fix to this.

Is there anyway we can help? Where to start looking?

@genious7, as @lightningHoneypot mentioned if you want some research done let us know. Don't have any experience with app development but can explore material on this if you can point me in the right direction.


Thanks for the support. Unfortunately, I won't be able to look into the issue until mid-december due to work.

Truth to be told, there's not much to research per se, particularily if you've never programmed javascript before.

The only way to bypass the Cloudflare screen is for the app to perform the same actions a browser (like chrome, for instance) does when executing the javascript code in the Cloudflare page. Unfortunately, the Cloudflare code is obfuscated, which makes decoding it a tedious affair.

Yeah, the site itself is throwing a HUGE cloudflare browser check when trying to read stories. {browsing and searching and viewing profiles, bowser check never happens, but click on a story and BAm browser check occurs}

This happens roughly every 3 hours, the reason the browser check is happening constantly is because the cookie that cloudflare sets is NOT locking like it should {by which it would know "OK I checked that browser its clear dont need to check it for a year} instead the cookie i getting looked at by cloudflare and cloudflare is going "HEY I DIDNT CHECK THAT!" like the memo didnt get written down or something

I truly wish sometimes I knew how to do things like coding to be of any help but all I can really do is point out bugs


Thanks for the support. Unfortunately, I won't be able to look into the issue until mid-december due to work.

Truth to be told, there's not much to research per se, particularily if you've never programmed javascript before.

The only way to bypass the Cloudflare screen is for the app to perform the same actions a browser (like chrome, for instance) does when executing the javascript code in the Cloudflare page. Unfortunately, the Cloudflare code is obfuscated, which makes decoding it a tedious affair.

I left you some cloudflare bypassers in the reply section. Idk if you checked it. Hope it comes in handy for you

@genious7 Any closer on a fix to bypass cloudflare?

Bit of a roundabout method to suggest but hear me out:

There was another fic reading app a few years back called CodexReader and one of its methods for backing up stories was to save them as .epub files. currently does not allow you to select text to avoid copying stories but this can be bypassed by something as simple as entering reading mode on firefox. Would it be possible to save stories manually, convert them to a file type the app can use and carry on that way until some other method can be found around the cloudflare nonsense?

Certainly fiddly and a bit technical but it's better than just not using the app for the indefinite future.

What would it take to redesign the app so that it could act as a browser or work on a browser in the background (chrome for example) and then convert that in to the format that we use?
I started learning java just for this when the app last broke, and even took a few classes on the subject, planning to help you, but due to finding some work arounds coupled with the fact real life concerns taking priority made me stop halfway. Now same thing is happening again... I wish i could have continued.
But if we could find a permenant solution to the crap they are pulling, i am sure enough of us would be willing to pay -at least i am- instead of using their torture instrument they are passing as an app... Even their bookmarking system is faulty... How crappy do you have to be to not "remember" the stories i read or which chapter i was on half the time....

Bit of a roundabout method to suggest but hear me out:

There was another fic reading app a few years back called CodexReader and one of its methods for backing up stories was to save them as .epub files. currently does not allow you to select text to avoid copying stories but this can be bypassed by something as simple as entering reading mode on firefox. Would it be possible to save stories manually, convert them to a file type the app can use and carry on that way until some other method can be found around the cloudflare nonsense?

Certainly fiddly and a bit technical but it's better than just not using the app for the indefinite future.

What kind of file type exactly? Also reading mode??

What would it take to redesign the app so that it could act as a browser or work on a browser in the background (chrome for example) and then convert that in to the format that we use?

It already does that. The class simulates an android WebView; that's exactly how I bypassed it the first time it broke.

From what I can tell, the current Cloudflare screen was designed specifically to block this app, as it reloads the web page several times while loading in order to confuse the browser regarding when a page has finished loading and is ready to be displayed.

I've looked a bit into the issue, but I've found no straightforward solution to the problem. Honestly speaking (and given that the Cloudflare page was made specifically against this app and not as a general measure), I'm also a bit hesitant into engaging on a cat-and-mouse routine with the staff.

Honestly speaking (and given that the Cloudflare page was made specifically against this app and not as a general measure), I'm also a bit hesitant into engaging on a cat-and-mouse routine with the staff.

Just only this app? I hope not, I think there are other apps that are affected too.

What would it take to redesign the app so that it could act as a browser or work on a browser in the background (chrome for example) and then convert that in to the format that we use?

It already does that. The class simulates an android WebView; that's exactly how I bypassed it the first time it broke.

From what I can tell, the current Cloudflare screen was designed specifically to block this app, as it reloads the web page several times while loading in order to confuse the browser regarding when a page has finished loading and is ready to be displayed.

I've looked a bit into the issue, but I've found no straightforward solution to the problem. Honestly speaking (and given that the Cloudflare page was made specifically against this app and not as a general measure), I'm also a bit hesitant into engaging on a cat-and-mouse routine with the staff.

So if i understood correctly, cloudflare does fake loads that doesn't include actual page several times before actually loading it. And this app is taking the first fake load as an answer to the querry, hence the empty page. This being an open source app must make it easier for them to take targeted shots at it. So i understand your reluctance to engage in a match where the opponent knows all your moves but don't give up please. I almost stopped reading new stories because of this issue and keep going back to your app and re-read older stories.

I don't know if this makes sense but is it possible for app to wait until all information packages are received and fakes are discarded before reaching out for the actual text in the part that simulates the android WebView?

What would it take to redesign the app so that it could act as a browser or work on a browser in the background (chrome for example) and then convert that in to the format that we use?

It already does that. The class simulates an android WebView; that's exactly how I bypassed it the first time it broke.

From what I can tell, the current Cloudflare screen was designed specifically to block this app, as it reloads the web page several times while loading in order to confuse the browser regarding when a page has finished loading and is ready to be displayed.

I've looked a bit into the issue, but I've found no straightforward solution to the problem. Honestly speaking (and given that the Cloudflare page was made specifically against this app and not as a general measure), I'm also a bit hesitant into engaging on a cat-and-mouse routine with the staff.

You cant just give up quick dude. We all love you for creating this app for the UI you have created and has a lovely interface. I get it you are feeling a bit worried, playing cat and mouse game with the FF staff, even though you havent found a solution for this im sure you will find another one. Just pls dont give up dude. Im sure you can do this. We all believe in you. :)

In theory can't you have the app wait like a minute for cloud flare to do its fake loading thing bfr reading the page? I know that would mean longer load times for us users but I don't mind Abit of patience. You can make any further updates to the app private or just push them to the beta channel without updating GitHub further.

I too am learning Java solely bc of this app
I'll see if I can do something with it after work

Bit of a roundabout method to suggest but hear me out:
There was another fic reading app a few years back called CodexReader and one of its methods for backing up stories was to save them as .epub files. currently does not allow you to select text to avoid copying stories but this can be bypassed by something as simple as entering reading mode on firefox. Would it be possible to save stories manually, convert them to a file type the app can use and carry on that way until some other method can be found around the cloudflare nonsense?
Certainly fiddly and a bit technical but it's better than just not using the app for the indefinite future.

What kind of file type exactly? Also reading mode??

On firefox (android app and desktop browser) if a page's contents is mostly text a little page symbol shows up in the address bar that toggles reader view (F9 shortcut on desktop) which allows for manipulation of text; Size, serif, spacing and selection etc.
reading mode 1
reading mode 2
Essentially the whole highlight protection on is rendered moot by a feature built into firefox. Almost like their "plagiarism protections," aren't actually meant for stopping plagiarising. The fact that the site runners seem to be targeting this particular app speaks volumes about them. Don't get their ad money if people read through 3rd party.

It isnt just this app beoing hit by the cloudflare issue, its the website as a whole, and its gotten worse

It isnt just this app beoing hit by the cloudflare issue, its the website as a whole, and its gotten worse

That it has.

It isnt just this app beoing hit by the cloudflare issue, its the website as a whole, and its gotten worse

That it has.

How is that? For me, all I see when browsing Fanfiction is basically like how I found ff back in 2008 internet
man... 2008, time really flies so quick now 😢

It isnt just this app beoing hit by the cloudflare issue, its the website as a whole, and its gotten worse

That it has.

How is that? For me, all I see when browsing Fanfiction is basically like how I found ff back in 2008 internet man... 2008, time really flies so quick now 😢

Basically, browsing the site is all the same, its never changed, but when you click on a story to read it, you get hit with the cloudflare browser check

It isnt just this app beoing hit by the cloudflare issue, its the website as a whole, and its gotten worse

That it has.

How is that? For me, all I see when browsing Fanfiction is basically like how I found ff back in 2008 internet man... 2008, time really flies so quick now 😢

Basically, browsing the site is all the same, its never changed, but when you click on a story to read it, you get hit with the cloudflare browser check

I see

I hope @genious7 doesnt give up on this app. This app is my number 1 source on reading fanfiction :)

It isnt just this app beoing hit by the cloudflare issue, its the website as a whole, and its gotten worse

That it has.

How is that? For me, all I see when browsing Fanfiction is basically like how I found ff back in 2008 internet man... 2008, time really flies so quick now 😢

What'll really bake your noodle is that there are stories on there from the 90s.

I hope some new update comes.

Though it might seem a bit counter-intuitive, what do you think about building a PWA with much the same features and UI as the app? That should more or less likely solve the captcha problem and allow most other features.

Also, could a proxy work, maybe? The app sends requests to a separate server, which makes requests to I mean a proper custom proxy with a browser sending the requests, and not a VPN sort of thing,

Any idea how the official app works and fetches stories? Does it do something different from this one?
I'll try decompiling it later this weekend. Maybe it'll lead to something. But if somebody knows, please tell me.

If this app is singled out, would it be possible to simply change the package name and upload a second copy of the app on PlayStore?

I thought of suggesting a PWA as well, but it seems like they are limited by the amount of space the underlying browser can use on the phone.

Although possibly a PWA can connect to this app, 'forward' the cookies/'pass the cloudflare check' and refer back whenever that expires. Just a thought.

I thought of suggesting a PWA as well, but it seems like they are limited by the amount of space the underlying browser can use on the phone.

Mega does something about this problem while downloading.

A quick google brought me here. Haven't read it completely but looked helpful in this case. Please check once @Beck-919

More about limits here.

What would it take to redesign the app so that it could act as a browser or work on a browser in the background (chrome for example) and then convert that in to the format that we use?

It already does that. The class simulates an android WebView; that's exactly how I bypassed it the first time it broke.

From what I can tell, the current Cloudflare screen was designed specifically to block this app, as it reloads the web page several times while loading in order to confuse the browser regarding when a page has finished loading and is ready to be displayed.

I've looked a bit into the issue, but I've found no straightforward solution to the problem. Honestly speaking (and given that the Cloudflare page was made specifically against this app and not as a general measure), I'm also a bit hesitant into engaging on a cat-and-mouse routine with the staff.

@genious7 To be honest, I have a suspicion that the owner of the site sold his or her site to some third party and that third party has no passion for stories but is using this highly visited site to push ads revenue solely for money. And because considerable enormous chunk of readers use reader apps instead of visiting the site, potentially this owner was stingy about it and wanted more $$$ and so opted for cloudflare to block reader apps.

Not even the admins or moderators seem to know what is going on.

In any case, I hate the official reader app because it's not very good whereas your app is awesome but they are being so anal about third party readers that I'm starting to think website is a lost cause. I've been thinking of using AO3 site.

Thank you so much for your amazing efforts to get your fanfiction app working again. Your app is my go to for reading stories and for many years to come.

@genious7, when you are done fixing your app, can you redesign its interface to be something more modern like this example:

When it comes to cloudflare, they screwed the pooch because they ended a cookie that SHOULD be locked into place. the admin and offical fictionpress twitter arent answering anyone since thanksgiving 2021, since then cloudflare has gotten worse, and there is currently no way to contact cloudflare for the broken cookie never getting set when it tries to set the cookie for 1 year

When it comes to cloudflare, they screwed the pooch because they ended a cookie that SHOULD be locked into place. the admin and offical fictionpress twitter arent answering anyone since thanksgiving 2021, since then cloudflare has gotten worse, and there is currently no way to contact cloudflare for the broken cookie never getting set when it tries to set the cookie for 1 year

Like I said, I'm currently of the opinion that the original fanfiction site owner sold his/her site to some third party who is only interested in money hence the absurd amount of endless ads plastered everywhere. All evidence points to it.

They used cloudflare to prevent third party reader apps from downloading stories to force people to load ads on their pages. They screwed the pooch with a lot of things, and don't really have a whole lot of hope that things are going to get better. It's why I started using AO3 site as my main go-to.

When it comes to cloudflare, they screwed the pooch because they ended a cookie that SHOULD be locked into place. the admin and offical fictionpress twitter arent answering anyone since thanksgiving 2021, since then cloudflare has gotten worse, and there is currently no way to contact cloudflare for the broken cookie never getting set when it tries to set the cookie for 1 year

Like I said, I'm currently of the opinion that the original fanfiction site owner sold his/her site to some third party who is only interested in money hence the absurd amount of endless ads plastered everywhere. All evidence points to it.

They used cloudflare to prevent third party reader apps from downloading stories to force people to load ads on their pages. They screwed the pooch with a lot of things, and don't really have a whole lot of hope that things are going to get better. It's why I started using AO3 site as my main go-to.

The silly thing about that is, they have so far done nothing to prevent ad-block usage. So it looks like their main concern is not actually the ad revenue, but the fact that one guy years ago in his spare time created an app that suppresses theirs by so wide a margin that they have not been able to bridge the gap in years.

I don't know it is simply pride or they have other plans in the works but what they are doing is completely unethical. I would understand their reluctance to allow third party apps, IF they were servicing original contents that they themselves have created. But almost every fanfiction writer submits their works freely. A very small minority are holding chapters hostage on sites like patreon or something but that is against the site policy anyway.

To be honest they have neither a logical reason nor an ethical justification to prevent the usage of this app.

@ghrrrr I agree, I don't really understand why they went out of their way to block all apps (mine is certainly not the only one affected, although I'm fairly certain that they targeted this one to an extent).

About the only thing that I guess could (somewhat) be their motivation would be to lessen the server load, as the update library button checks each story for updates one by one. The API that they mentioned in a twitter would have fixed that, but that appears to have died.

Regarding fixing the issue, I've decided to give up for the moment since I can't think any way around the issue.

Currently, the app uses a WebView to simulate a web browser. However, the android WebView always adds a x-requested-with header, which means that the FanFiction server can always tell the request is coming from an app. While the header can be changed, it cannot be disabled, which means that it is impossible to hide the fact that the request is coming from an app and not from a web browser while using the webview.

The only other alternative I can think of is using Mozilla's Gecko View instead of the default android Web View. While I'm fairly certain that Mozilla's browser alternative would load the page, I was unable to find any function to retrieve the HTML code from the browser after it had finished loading in order to pass it to the app.

@genious7 I was wondering if it can't be fixed for the FanFiction website would you be able to allow the app to use other websites like it? I'm just curious if this is possible? I really love this app and I have been using it for about 4 years and I don't really want it to get fubared.

Okay so when I started hunting around for a function to read or pull html using GeckoView I found this stackoverflow question (with answers/solutions) that was similar. I am still learning but is this anything that can help you?

Found This!!!!!!

So there isn't a GeckoView function that can be used directly with the app but you (or someone else) can make a GeckoView extension (like how Chrome has browser extensions) that can be imbedded in the app to read HTML and pass it along to the app. This Mozilla documentation explains in more detail

Does anyone have an update?

I tried a PWA PoC a week back. The idea was to make Cloudflare think the app was a browser, then pass the received captcha to the user to be solved. Similar to what @genious7 had tried initially.

IIRC, Cloudflare shouldn't assess you every time a page is loaded. Using that, once in a while, the user solves the captcha, and when the page is loaded, we run a script to extract the contents of that page and display it in the app's UI.

The obvious limitation is that downloads of entire stories wouldn't be possible. In fact, very little automation is possible. Every process will require a user's interaction. Maybe somebody can work something there? Regular fetch calls were not possible, so I had tried using Puppeteer.

Is there any update or progress in fixing the app?

Is there any update or progress in fixing the app?

I don't think so :(
as they said:

Regarding fixing the issue, I've decided to give up for the moment since I can't think any way around the issue.

there are some solutions, the original has not been updated for two years.
and there is the updated version:

but that person (VeNoMouS) has

has disabled issues, and shuts down any comments on PRs about functionality.
source: Anorov/cloudflare-scrape#406

and their response is just downright rude (Anorov/cloudflare-scrape#406 (comment)), but hey I might be missing something or I might be wrong on something, I don't know. Not going to dig up old bad dirt. But what I can tell is that if one goes to (as of writing this message), one can see that there is no place to open issues.

However, both cloudflare-scrape and cloudscraper are not free, as they will create this message:

Detected a Cloudflare version 2 challenge, This feature is not available in the opensource (free) version.

There are some suggestions here: Anorov/cloudflare-scrape#406 (comment)

Tonnes and tonnes of issues about it not working, and no update from the owner in many months. Pretty sure it's dead.
Some folks moved over to but I believe that's moved over to a subscription model where you have to contact the owner over discord? and the owner has disabled issues, and shuts down any comments on PRs about functionality.

I've not seen a lot of other options around.

Some folks have said to use scrapy-splash: scrapy-plugins/scrapy-splash#92 (comment) but I'm not sure how that goes.
There's some JS options around, again, not sure whether they're working: (last update 5 months ago, repo issues say it's broken, dev says he'll work on it, but is very busy sayem314/hooman#34 (comment)) (last update 6 months ago, repo issues say it's broken) (last update 8 months ago, repo archived, suggests ) (last update a year ago)
Browser based solutions:
That last one sounds like the best bet to me. It's a docker image that spins up browsers to do the request, so it's going to be slow and quite memory-heavy. But development seems active, latest commit to master was 5 days ago.
But I've not tried it myself.

So this app literally just died then? No fix will be given anytime soon.. And here i was hoping a fix might be impplemented into the app but guess not it seems.. It looks like im stuck using the official version then.. Oh well. As the saying goes "All good things comes to an end".

So this app literally just died then? No fix will be given anytime soon.. And here i was hoping a fix might be impplemented into the app but guess not it seems.. It looks like im stuck using the official version then.. Oh well. As the saying goes "All good things comes to an end".

It is not about the app "dying", it's just that there is an obstacle that is so out of reach that the developer is having a hard time finding a solution for a workaround; that being the cloudflare anti-bot checker.

And being a developer is not that easy, from what I experienced from my limited time experience on computing science, all of programming is problem solving. Even in an open source project, it still takes time.

So, the problem that we are experiencing in this app is this:

  • Accessing is easy, accessing the stories in is where the problem starts to begin. As there is a cloudflare check now.
  • Luckily, the check only seems to be done once when accessing the first story an user clicks/taps on (when using a browser), after that the user CNA access any stories they want. However, there is up until a certain amount of time the user will have to be subjected to another cloudflare check.
  • Therefore, there needs to be some sort of "middle man", "emulator", or proxy that can do the exact same thing or something similar to a browser. Once that is done, the "middle man" is able to fetch the data from and send it back to this app.

Think that's easy? If it were that easy the dev would have solved it a long time ago already.

So this app literally just died then? No fix will be given anytime soon.. And here i was hoping a fix might be impplemented into the app but guess not it seems.. It looks like im stuck using the official version then.. Oh well. As the saying goes "All good things comes to an end".

It is not about the app "dying", it's just that there is an obstacle that is so out of reach that the developer is having a hard time finding a solution for a workaround; that being the cloudflare anti-bot checker.

And being a developer is not that easy, from what I experienced from my limited time experience on computing science, all of programming is problem solving. Even in an open source project, it still takes time.

So, the problem that we are experiencing in this app is this:

  • Accessing is easy, accessing the stories in is where the problem starts to begin. As there is a cloudflare check now.
  • Luckily, the check only seems to be done once when accessing the first story an user clicks/taps on (when using a browser), after that the user CNA access any stories they want. However, there is up until a certain amount of time the user will have to be subjected to another cloudflare check.
  • Therefore, there needs to be some sort of "middle man", "emulator", or proxy that can do the exact same thing or something similar to a browser. Once that is done, the "middle man" is able to fetch the data from and send it back to this app.

Think that's easy? If it were that easy the dev would have solved it a long time ago already.

i can understand your point, however didnt he say he has given up on the app? Also i dont think the app will survive at this point.

i can understand your point, however didnt he say he has given up on the app? Also i dont think the app will survive at this point.

Read this carefully:

Regarding fixing the issue, I've decided to give up for the moment since I can't think any way around the issue.

For the moment

That means he is putting the project aside for now.
Unless they explicitly said that the project is abandoned, I still hold up hope that there is a fix.

i can understand your point, however didnt he say he has given up on the app? Also i dont think the app will survive at this point.

Read this carefully:

Regarding fixing the issue, I've decided to give up for the moment since I can't think any way around the issue.

For the moment

That means he is putting the project aside for now. Unless they explicitly said that the project is abandoned, I still hold up hope that there is a fix.

Ah so thats what it meant, i though he abandoned the project for good. I suppose there has been some misunderstanding. I didnt read his announcement carefuly and assumed it wrong.. Anyway also i didnt say per se that the app is indeed "dead" i just thought it wrongfully. Anyway lets still hope that fix will still come, whenever @genious7 decides to do the fix and finds the solution. :)

well, it's been three months since the last post of this issue
maybe if possible, look into tachiyomi's implementation?

Or even check the solved fanficfare


The FanFicFare is not useful in this scenario, since they are using the browser cache as a solution. That being said, good catch on the Tachiyomi; they definitely have an android-compatible solution. I'll look into it.

Any update so far??

The FanFicFare is not useful in this scenario, since they are using the browser cache as a solution. That being said, good catch on the Tachiyomi; they definitely have an android-compatible solution. I'll look into it.

If you have the chance to do so, tell us what's the problem. Maybe the Tachiyomi people can help to a certain extent.

Any update so far??

At this point, no and we shouldn't expect any. The developer has done an awesome job trying to fix it and for awhile it worked, but site changed things again to prevent third party readers from being able to download stories. site is a lost cause. I suspect that what happened was the original owner of the site sold his site for $$ to someone else or an entity. My research turned up that some Chinese entity in China may be the owner of site and are using it as a cash cow with advertisements plastered all over their page. They can't get ad revenue if third party readers download stories hence cloudflare bullcrap. There are millions of site visits per month which makes site a place for ad revenue for milking cash.

Long story short, is a lost cause. I would like to thank @genious7 for his time and energy to try fix the app, because for the brief period of time that the app was working again and I updated stories, my depression lifted and I was in a good place. Thank you!

Xing Li is the founder of FanFiction.Net. He and several people, including some UCLA students, developed the site in fall of 1998. That might be the "Chinese entity" you are thinking of

So have this app died ? Or is there any updates for this app

So have this app died ? Or is there any updates for this app

it seems like its been dead for good. I guess we can say goodbye to this app.

So have this app died ? Or is there any updates for this app

it seems like its been dead for good. I guess we can say goodbye to this app.

I guess it is dead for a long time now, I will create a guide on what I use currently. It will take some time to do it, so hold up!

What do you currently use? LightningHoneypot

What do you currently use? LightningHoneypot

Sorry for late reply, but I use JimmXinu's FanFicFare in kovidgoyal's calibre, and bypassing the cloudflare checks using FlareSolverr. I read the epubs using koreader.

I use the officaly app.

You mean the official app? If so, I haven't create an account, that's why I didn't use the official app.