
Updated icon

armand-leguillou opened this issue · 9 comments

I refresh the icon/logo of the app! It wasn't working with the themed icon and it looked a little old.
I did it with Illustrator so I can send you the .ai file (not supported here unfortunately). I also used the Roboto font because it's the default font on Android.
Send me feedback!
(english is not my first language (I may have made mistakes)


Hi, thanks a lot! Are you able to upload it elsewhere? Also, there are some guidelines which Google shares here:

I have something like this in mind:


Not sure how well that'll work with adaptive design, but should be a bit more in line with their spec.

thank to your feedback!!
I will try your idea as soon as possible. does the 42 has a specific signification for you?

is that something like that you had in mind? @gentlecat

Yeah, that looks great! Are you able to share these in the original format so that I can add them?

yes here are the files:
i remain at your disposal if you have any other comments!

have a good day!

Attaching here as well:

Had to make some slight adjustments, but I think it looks alright.

Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 18 30 29 Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 18 28 26

I'll add that to the next version.

I published an update to Play Store and it should be released with the new icon pretty soon. Thanks again for prompting this. I think it looks way better now!

yeah I had the update!!
thanks, amazing work 🙌🏼