
Block Translation Errors

gentlegiantJGC opened this issue · 5 comments

This is a bug report of all the blocks that are known not to convert correctly.
(The items ticked should be fixed)
This is mostly due to the translations not being implemented yet. Please check if the error you are experiencing is in this list and if not reply to this bug report with the error and I will look into it.

Please also state in what form you are using PyMCT so I can get an idea of which version you are using.

Bedrock 1.12 and before (and all data values of):

  • cauldron
  • end_portal
  • tripwire
  • beacon
  • flower_pot
  • skull
  • unpowered_comparator
  • powered_comparator
  • double_plant
  • standing_banner
  • wall_banner
  • frame (item frame)
  • end_rod
  • end_gateway
  • bone_block
  • movingblock
  • observer
  • structure_block
  • seagrass
  • coral_fan
  • coral_fan_dead
  • coral_fan_hang
  • coral_fan_hang2
  • coral_fan_hang3
  • kelp
  • sea_pickle
  • conduit
  • turtle_egg
  • bubble_column

Bedrock 1.13+:

  • sticky_piston
  • piston
  • pistonArmCollision
  • flower_pot
  • skull
  • frame
  • movingBlock

Java 1.12.2 and before (and all data values of):

  • sticky_piston
  • piston
  • piston_head
  • piston_extension
  • cauldron
  • end_portal
  • tripwire
  • beacon
  • flower_pot
  • skull
  • unpowered_comparator
  • powered_comparator
  • double_plant
  • standing_banner
  • wall_banner
  • end_rod
  • end_gateway
  • frosted_ice
  • bone_block
  • structure_void
  • observer
  • structure_block

From J1.12.2 to B1.13.0

  • Torches have invalid data values
  • Trapdoors have invalid data values

Error translating universal_minecraft:wall_sign[facing=west,material=oak] from universal. Got universal_minecraft:wall_sign[facing=west,material=oak]

Sign was missing and Bedrock would throw up an assert

Assert: This block id is not in MCPE
[Blocks][error]-block of name 'universal_minecraft:sign' does not exist. did you just add an updater with a bad block name?
[Blocks][warning]-BlockSerializationId with name: universal_minecraft:sign not found in the block palette. Returning an air block instead

Error translating minecraft:double_stone_slab[block_data=8] to universal. Got minecraft:double_stone_slab[block_data=8]
Looked good in game.

Torches, Trapdoors and all the slabs should be fixed now.
I will look into the sign next

I think all of those issues should be fixed. I had to do quite a big rewrite for signs but it is now a lot more flexible.

Converted a debug world and its just spitting out errors in v61. Converts just fine in v60.

Console output:

@t3hero did you unpack all the files in the zip? Please verify that PyMCTranslate/min_json/versions//block.json.gz exists
Which version are you converting from and to? I need that information to debug the issue