
pub use HKEY

uranusjr opened this issue · 0 comments

Since all the HKEY_* enums are re-exported, would it be a good idea to re-export HKEY from winapi as well? My use case it that I’m defining a list of keys to look for, and since that is used in a lot of places I’m doing it globally like this:

const KEY_PATHS: &'static [(HKEY, &str); 3] = &[
    (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Foo"),
    (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Foo"),
    (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Wow6432Node\\Foo"),

But that requires me to declare winapi as a dependency and extern crate. It works fine, but is not the most convenient. It would save a lot of hassle if winreg can just re-export HKEY.