
Google Geocode API Limit

espinielli opened this issue · 2 comments

I tried the example in the README and got issues with Geocode API:

weather -l "Paris, France" -u si
Geocode API response error: Google Geocode API response error: OVER_QUERY_LIMIT - You have exceeded your daily request quota for this API. If you did not set a custom daily request quota, verify your project has an active billing account:

Something to do on user or on software side (or both)?

its on the server side, sorry I do it as a free service so sometimes we hit a limit, you can always host your own :)

Also seeing this (no big deal).

Is there any way to bypass the geolocation routine if you know exactly where you want the weather from? So geocode externally, then pass in something like

weather --latitude 42.27756 --longitude -83.74088

I'll look at the code....