
Snakemake expands fail in preprocessing.smk

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I've built the docker image using the latest release as per instructions and downloaded the reference, followed by running

docker run --rm -it -v /home/danilovk/relatives_finder/media:/media -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro genx_relatives:latest preprocess --ref-directory /media/ref --assembly hg38 --vcf-file /media/vcf_source/current_merged_cut.vcf.gz --directory /media/results

without any changes in config.yaml or elsewhere. It resulted in the following error:

Namespace(alpha=0.01, alt_hom_samples=1.0, assembly='hg38', chip='background.vcf.gz', client=False, command='preprocess', conda_prefix='/tmp', configfile='config.yaml', cores=15, directory='/media/results', flow='ibis', het_samples=5.0, ibis_min_snp=500, ibis_seg_len=7.0, impute=False, input='input', memory=61, missing_samples=15.0, num_batches=1, phase=False, real_run=False, ref_directory='/media/ref', remove_imputation=False, rule=None, samples='samples.tsv', seed=8031841, sim_params_file='params/Relatives.def', sim_samples_file='ceph_unrelated_all.tsv', snakefile='', stat_file='stat_file.txt', target=['all'], unlock=False, until=None, use_bundle=False, vcf_file='/media/vcf_source/current_merged_cut.vcf.gz', weight_mask=None, zero_seg_count=0.5, zero_seg_len=5.0)

environ({'PATH': '/opt/conda/envs/snakemake/bin:/opt/conda/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/Minimac3Executable/bin:/opt/germline/bin', 'HOSTNAME': '48d1f7045e53', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND': 'noninteractive', 'LANG': 'C.UTF-8', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOME': '/root', 'KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK': 'True', 'KMP_INIT_AT_FORK': 'FALSE', 'CONDA_ENVS_PATH': '/tmp/envs', 'CONDA_PKGS_DIRS': '/tmp/conda/pkgs'})
Building DAG of jobs...
Your conda installation is not configured to use strict channel priorities. This is however crucial for having robust and correct environments (for details, see Please consider to configure strict priorities by executing 'conda config --set channel_priority strict'.
Conda environment /src/repo/rules/../envs/evaluation.yaml will be created.
Conda environment /src/repo/rules/../envs/bcf_plink.yaml will be created.
Conda environment /src/repo/rules/../envs/bcftools.yaml will be created.
Conda environment /src/repo/rules/../envs/liftover.yaml will be created.
Conda environment /src/repo/rules/../envs/plink.yaml will be created.
Conda environment /src/repo/rules/../envs/ibis.yaml will be created.
Job stats:
job                                     count    min threads    max threads
------------------------------------  -------  -------------  -------------
all                                         1              1              1
copy_batch                                  1              1              1
copy_imputation                             1              1              1
copy_phase                                  1              1              1
copy_vcf                                    1              1              1
liftover                                    1              1              1
plink_clean_up                              1              1              1
plink_filter                                1              1              1
pre_imputation_check                        1              1              1
prepare_vcf                                 1              1              1
recode_snp_ids                              1              1              1
select_bad_samples                          1              1              1
single_batch_convert_mapped_to_plink        1              1              1
single_batch_ibis_mapping                   1              1              1
vcf_stats                                   1              1              1
total                                      15              1              1

[Sun Dec 25 21:58:26 2022]
rule copy_batch:
    input: input.vcf.gz
    output: vcf/batch1.vcf.gz
    jobid: 10
    reason: Missing output files: vcf/batch1.vcf.gz
    resources: tmpdir=/tmp

            cp input.vcf.gz vcf/batch1.vcf.gz

[Sun Dec 25 21:58:26 2022]
rule copy_vcf:
    input: vcf/batch1.vcf.gz
    output: vcf/batch1_imputation_removed.vcf.gz
    jobid: 9
    reason: Missing output files: vcf/batch1_imputation_removed.vcf.gz; Input files updated by another job: vcf/batch1.vcf.gz
    wildcards: batch=batch1
    resources: tmpdir=/tmp

                cp vcf/batch1.vcf.gz vcf/batch1_imputation_removed.vcf.gz

[Sun Dec 25 21:58:26 2022]
rule vcf_stats:
    input: vcf/batch1.vcf.gz
    output: stats/batch1_lifted_vcf.txt, stats/batch1_lifted_vcf.psc
    jobid: 12
    reason: Missing output files: stats/batch1_lifted_vcf.psc; Input files updated by another job: vcf/batch1.vcf.gz
    wildcards: batch=batch1
    resources: tmpdir=/tmp

            bcftools query --list-samples vcf/batch1.vcf.gz > vcf/batch1_merged_lifted.vcf.samples
            bcftools stats -S vcf/batch1_merged_lifted.vcf.samples vcf/batch1.vcf.gz > stats/batch1_lifted_vcf.txt
            # PSC means per-sample counts
            cat stats/batch1_lifted_vcf.txt | grep '^PSC' > stats/batch1_lifted_vcf.psc

Would remove temporary output vcf/batch1.vcf.gz

[Sun Dec 25 21:58:26 2022]
rule liftover:
    input: vcf/batch1_imputation_removed.vcf.gz
    output: vcf/batch1_merged_lifted.vcf.gz
    log: logs/liftover/liftoverbatch1.log
    jobid: 8
    reason: Missing output files: vcf/batch1_merged_lifted.vcf.gz; Input files updated by another job: vcf/batch1_imputation_removed.vcf.gz
    wildcards: batch=batch1
    resources: tmpdir=/tmp, mem_mb=20480

RuleException in rule liftover in line 97 of /src/repo/workflows/preprocess2/../../rules/preprocessing.smk:
NameError: The name 'batch' is unknown in this context. Did you mean 'wildcards.batch'?, when formatting the following:

               java -Xmx{params.mem_gb}g -jar /picard/picard.jar LiftoverVcf WARN_ON_MISSING_CONTIG=true MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM=5000 I={input.vcf} O={output.vcf} CHAIN={LIFT_CHAIN} REJECT=vcf/chr{batch}_rejected.vcf.gz R={GRCH37_FASTA} |& tee -a {log}

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 453, in <module>
    raise ValueError("Pipeline failed see Snakemake error message for details")
ValueError: Pipeline failed see Snakemake error message for details

Could you please check the preprocessing.smk file and other snakemake files since it seems like a pure snakemake error. The input file is ok and was validated.

Btw the wildcards.batch issue also applies to rules/imputation.smk line 138

@danilovkiri Hi, Kirill! Thank you for pointing out this issue! I just applied the right fixes and tested them, everything should work now. If you stumble upon any other bug, please report it, this helps to improve the code. And I will respond and react to your call as quickly as possible. Also happy new Year!:santa:

@Jahysama Thank you, Egor. Happy New Year:)