
Struggling to configure bundle with Symfony 3.4

wisdom-17 opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi all,

I have an application which is using Symfony 3.4. I'm struggling to configure the BazingaGeocoderBundle.

I added the following in app/config/config.yaml:

                factory: Bazinga\GeocoderBundle\ProviderFactory\GoogleMapsFactory

I'm having difficulty in accessing the provider from a service class I created, I tried to inject it in the constructor using Symfony's type hinting/auto wiring feature but I still get the following error when trying to use the service class.

I added this to the top of my service class:
use Bazinga\GeocoderBundle\ProviderFactory\GoogleMapsFactory;

and the constructor like this:

	private $url;
	private $googleMapsProvider;
	public $outlets;
	public $abnormalFormatOutlets;

	public function __construct($url = null, GoogleMapsFactory $googleMapsProvider)
		$this->url 						= $url;
		$this->outlets 					= [];
		$this->abnormalFormatOutlets 	= [];
		$this->googleMapsProvider 		= $googleMapsProvider;

When trying to use this class, this is the error I get:

Type error: Too few arguments to function AppBundle\Utils\OutletScraper::__construct(), 1 passed in /myproject/src/Ap
pBundle/Command/OutletRetrieveCommand.php on line 42 and exactly 2 expected

Appreciate if anyone could point me in the right direction.

See here:

With your config, you create a service named bazinga_geocoder.provider.acme which is a GoogleMapsProvider. You should not use GoogleMapsFactory.

Reading your error is seams like you have not updated the service definition for OutletScraper.

So the following should be in services.yml? And not in config.yml

                factory: Bazinga\GeocoderBundle\ProviderFactory\GoogleMapsFactory

No no, Your config looks fine. But show me where you define OutletScraper

Ah, the config for my OutletScraper (app/config/services.yml) looks like this:

        public: false
        autowire: true

I figured my issue out with the help of @dbrumann here