- 9
Empty collection is cached
#106 opened by ftrudeau - 20
Result always return empty object
#101 opened by stefensuhat - 10
Provider set up issue
#129 opened by fritosxii - 1
Look into overriding `$collection->toJson()` to return complete JSON result
#132 opened by mikebronner - 44
Getting empty result set
#111 opened by Norgul - 0
suggestion to add to documentation
#131 opened by jehadja - 2
Suggestion: Locale as config variable
#128 opened by sololance - 1
How to use google maps for business
#127 opened by Jaume007 - 4
How to use Nominatim to get bounds of a city?
#115 opened by g5400658 - 1
How to get using('provider') to work
#126 opened by mbukovac - 3
Support for Lumen
#124 opened by cg-rsands - 1
- 1
- 1
Update to Laravel 5.6
#120 opened by mikebronner - 4
unable to use geocoder in laravel 5.3
#118 opened by nigam214 - 24
Receiving an Empty Collection
#104 opened by StanBarrows - 4
Call to undefined method Geocoder\Provider\GoogleMaps\Model\GoogleAddress::getLatitude()
#117 opened by maxalmonte14 - 6
GeoIP2 provider with GoogleMaps provider
#116 opened by Norgul - 2
Empty results after update.
#114 opened by pxpm - 1
Language configuration as an environment variable
#110 opened by mikebronner - 1
How to access response object?
#113 opened by Khadreal - 1
- 1
Default cache duration
#107 opened by michael-vostrikov - 1
Verify Cache Key Is Unique
#105 opened by mikebronner - 2
Only works whit IP's address
#103 opened by AlejandroMendez - 1
- 1
Restrict/Force prioritise to UK/Ireland
#100 opened by MajorasJack - 15
Broken getProvider method
#99 opened by antonkomarev - 2
How to get State from response?
#97 opened by foziazahoor - 1
How to get Admin Lelvel Code from response?
#98 opened by foziazahoor - 1
How to access response object? like i need to get locationType form returned results
#96 opened by foziazahoor - 8
Composer throwing error with Laravel 5.4
#95 opened by foziazahoor - 12
Class geocoder does not exist
#94 opened by foziazahoor - 6
Geocoder 4.0 Release Prep Tasks
#93 opened by mikebronner - 10
- 6
Prepare for 4.0 update of the Geocoder
#81 opened by Nyholm - 23
- 5
No provider could geocode address
#90 opened by mrkalmdn - 13
Coveralls Not Showing Source
#88 opened by mikebronner - 7
Error handling - if address returns no results, geocode call throws error
#89 opened by matthewpennell - 5
Packagist not updating?
#85 opened by mikebronner - 2
- 0
Add lookup caching functionality.
#69 opened by mikebronner - 5
Error with Laravel 5.4
#80 opened by sameer1202 - 5
- 8
No provider could reverse coordinates
#77 opened by enzonotario - 0
- 6
- 1
bump egeloen/http-adapter version
#70 opened by danijelk - 6