
Why does async fetching makes mods crash when no internet connection?

rV4nxZ opened this issue · 6 comments

Your Question

For example this error:

19:09:33 DEBUG [Main] [Geode]:     Adding sheet uproxide.more_difficulties/MD_DifficultySheet
19:09:33 DEBUG [stderr]: [2024-06-18 19:09:33] [info] asio async_resolve error: asio.system:11001 (No such host is known.)
19:09:33 DEBUG [stderr]: [2024-06-18 19:09:33] [info] Error getting remote endpoint: asio.system:10009 (The file handle supplied is not valid.)
19:09:33 DEBUG [stderr]: [2024-06-18 19:09:33] [info] asio async_shutdown error: asio.system:10009 (The file handle supplied is not valid.)
19:09:33 DEBUG [stderr]: [2024-06-18 19:09:33] [error] handle_connect error: No such host is known.
19:09:35 DEBUG [stderr]: [2024-06-18 19:09:35] [info] asio async_resolve error: asio.system:11001 (No such host is known.)
19:09:35 DEBUG [stderr]: [2024-06-18 19:09:35] [info] Error getting remote endpoint: asio.system:10009 (The file handle supplied is not valid.)
19:09:35 DEBUG [stderr]: [2024-06-18 19:09:35] [info] asio async_shutdown error: asio.system:10009 (The file handle supplied is not valid.)
19:09:35 DEBUG [stderr]: [2024-06-18 19:09:35] [error] handle_connect error: No such host is known.
19:09:35 DEBUG [stderr]: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
19:09:35 DEBUG [stderr]: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
19:09:35 DEBUG [stderr]: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
19:09:35 DEBUG [stderr]: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
19:09:35 INFO  [Main] [Misc Bugfixes]: Fetching important notices from:
19:09:35 DEBUG [Main] [Misc Bugfixes]: Loading song browser lag fix
19:09:35 DEBUG [Thread #11712] [Misc Bugfixes]: Started populating downloaded songs cache
19:09:35 INFO  [Main] [Misc Bugfixes]: Adjusted collected orbs by: 0 (165668 -> 165668)

Is made because async can't connect to a host when there's no internet connection available. Is this a mod problem or bad handle of exceptions?

geode does not use asio, but gdutils does

Any plan to fix it in the future?

nothing we can do about someone else's mod

Oh right, sorry for bothering.

you can report the bug to jouca / fire

Bug officially now fixed.