
Change the "update mod" button sprite to a more intuitive one

xparadoxical opened this issue · 0 comments

Geode Version


Related Problem

The few times I was able to see the update button (both the black and blue one), I thought it's a refresh/reload/restart button, because that's the standard meaning of buttons with arrows going in a circle in this game and mostly everywhere else, and it's the meaning I associated the button with. Comments of two people from the discord server I was able to get were "that legit looks like restart" and "first time I saw this button I thought recycle". On the same mod list screen there's a button that reloads the list, whose sprite is also used on the level end screen, level info screen and in music libraries.

Your Solution

Use the widely-recognized down arrow with a horizontal line below it, which obviously means "download". Updating is downloading the new version so I think it'd work fine. This is also used on the song info card, on the Audio Assets list and in music libraries.
Two mockups I made - first using rearranged parts of the Rotate Gameplay trigger sprite, the second using the Teleport trigger arrow instead:
geode-download1-70px geode-download2-70px

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