
Efficient implementations for community seismic velocity models.

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The spatial database for the SCEC CVM-H is for v5.3. We need to update this interface to provide a more robust implementation that is also efficient for querying in parallel. Furthermore, we do not want to hold the entire seismic velocity model in memory.

@baagaard-usgs is working on defining an HDF5-based format for seismic velocity models that would allow parallel I/O and caching. The format is a simpler version of the Etree format used in the USGS Bay Area Seismic Velocity Model 08.3.0. It leverages ideas from the R format used by Arthur Rodgers at LLNL in SW4.

Level of Difficulty

Intermediate to Expert depending on the storage format for the seismic velocity model.

Some seismic velocity models are easily converted/reformatted to a SimpleGridDB. The SimpleGridDB could include an HDF5 reader/writer to store the values as a dataset with appropriate attributes for the metadata that is currently included in the header for an ASCII SimpleGridDB.

Will need spatialdata interface to