
G value in BLV files

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I have some extra question concerning the blv, when we safe it from magpy-gui the G (DDDD.DD) values are not included


So I wrote a small script that reads the iaga files and calculates the daily means of the G value .

data = load_iaga_files()
daily_mean = data.dailymeans(keys=['df'])
daily_means = daily_mean.ndarray[1]

After that I just parse the previous created blv and find replace the necessary 888 with the correct value.
I wondered if there was a more elegant way to do with magpy methods.
I tried to read the excisting blv with magpy but wasn't able to add the daily means.

A new "export" window has been included to XMagPy when exporting BLV data. Here you can automatically add appropriate dailymean values provided that you have previously opend a full year of one-minute definitive data. You just selelct this data source as daily mean source and XMagPy will do the rest for you. Nevertheless, definitive data is indispensible.

Further details: #126 (comment)