
Baseline Correction button in xmagpy not enabled

mlnorthernswe opened this issue · 5 comments

Probably I'm doing something wrong here, but I follow the wiki on how to produce a baseline with xmagpy (version 1.1.7).
Absolute measurement data can be found here: absolute measurements
Variometer and scalar data can be found here: variometer and scalar data
Logs: magpy logs

We are using a XYZ-oriented magnetometer.

I do the following steps:

  1. Load DI-data. In this case for month 2023-10 which are the absolute measurements 2023-09-11, 2023-10-10, 2023-10-16, 2023-10-23 and 2023-11-02.
  2. As we have a XYZ-oriented magnetometer I choose Data->Select components->xyz.
  3. Then I export the absolute measurements data to PYSTR (exported data).
  4. I load the exported data. File->Open File (choose the exported BLV_*-files).
  5. Go to panel Analysis and choose Fit (applying spline, knots 0.3 on the data in question).
  6. Load variometer files for the month in question (in this case 2023-10) in variometer and scalar data.
  7. To adopt baseline I go to Analysis panel and press button Baseline and choose the appropriate Baseline for the adoption.
  8. The message "Adopted baseline calculated. Baseline parameters added to meta information and option 'Baseline Corr' on 'Data' panel now enabled." appears. I press OK.
  9. Goes to the panel Data but the 'Baseline Corr' option is not enabled!

Is it something wrong in the above procedure or in the data?

/Regards Mats

When I tried with a different dataset. The month of 2023-08 it seems to work. So there is some kind of problmen with the dataset of the month 2023-10 that xmagpy reacts to.

I see now in the logs the warning "Warning! Variation data missing at DI time range" so it seems to be some gaps in our data that leads to the problems decribed above with 'Baseline Corr'-button not enabled. I must check that.

I found a bug in my software that marked data as gaps even if there were no gaps. So there is the reason probably that the 'Baseline Corr'-button was not enabled.

leonro commented

So I guess I can close this one.

So I guess I can close this one.
