
Can't find data files for tutorial?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi Emma,

A friend of mine recently suggested I check out geomorph to analyse some morphometric data I'm collecting for my thesis. I've never done morphometrics before so was working thorugh the user manual.

However, I can't find the datafiles, e.g. .tps or .nts extensions.

> mydata <- readland.tps("ratland.tps", specID = "ID")
Error in file(file, "r") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file(file, "r") :
  cannot open file 'ratland.tps': No such file or directory

It's a working directory issue so I was trying to find where they were so I could put them in my WD. When I tried searching for them (specifically by name, e.g. "ratlands.tps") on my computer I couldn't find them.

I'm on a Windows using RStudio, installed the packaged and used library(geomorph) to open the package. Have I missed something? Otherwise would you be able to make all the files for the tutorial available?

Thanks heaps, and regards.

~ Josh (j-a-t)


Yes you are misunderstanding the user manual. That code is showing you how
you would input a file of those kinds, as exemplified by the "screenshot"
example of the file in a square. There are no files for you to read in. I
suggest running the examples that use the example datasets saved within


On Sunday, 11 October 2015, j-a-t wrote:

Hi Emma,

A friend of mine recently suggested I check out geomorph to analyse some
morphometric data I'm collecting for my thesis. I've never done
morphometrics before so was working thorugh the user manual.

However, I can't find the datafiles, e.g. .tps or .nts extensions.

mydata <- readland.tps("ratland.tps", specID = "ID")
Error in file(file, "r") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file(file, "r") :
cannot open file 'ratland.tps': No such file or directory

It's a working directory issue so I was trying to find where they were so
I could put them in my WD. When I tried searching for them (specifically by
name, e.g. "ratlands.tps") on my computer I couldn't find them.

I'm on a Windows using RStudio, installed the packaged and used
library(geomorph) to open the package. Have I missed something? Otherwise
would you be able to make all the files for the tutorial available?

Thanks heaps, and regards.

~ Josh (j-a-t)

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Emma Sherratt, PhD.

Lecturer in Zoology,
Zoology Division, School of Environmental and Rural Science,
Room L112 Bldg C02,
University of New England,
Armidale, NSW, Australia, 2351
Tel: +61 2 6773 5041
Twitter: @DrEmSherratt

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Thanks Emma.